  • 學位論文


Surrounding and Consanguinity: Research into Folk Faith among Immigrants in Danshui During Ching Dynasty

指導教授 : 周彥文


從臺灣歷時性縱向發展來看,淡水歷經了西班牙、荷蘭、明鄭、清代、日治以至於民國時期,是臺灣歷史四百年的縮影。觀察此一區域的發展,從大航海時代西方海權國家伸進入東海,臺灣島一時成為西方海權與日本等國所覬覦的對象,而位於臺灣西北地帶,又是淡水河出海口的淡水地區,自然成為各國發展對華貿易所爭取的軍事據點,並且也發展了初步的商業行為與漢民墾居的型態。 當十七世紀,清代漢人向外發展形成移民推力的潮流時,淡水此時更是漢籍移民起水上岸與移住的重要地區。並且,在移民社會初期,發展了與原鄉文化緊密聯繫的社群關係。其後,在區域型態中更建構了移民朝向在地化發展的文化脈絡。 本文透過淡水地區文獻資料的分析,探究此一區域在地理形勢上,何以是海權國家所爭奪之地,並且在清代移民熱潮中成為重要的進入口岸。其次,通過對淡水地區民間信仰的觀察,繫聯清代漢籍移民與原鄉的關係,藉以討論淡水地區移民社會初期的族群分類及其社會互動的情形。最後,本論文透過分析淡水地區民間信仰祭祀圈的形成及其演變,說明其原因與該地區本地化發展下的社會脈絡。


淡水 泉州 汀州 移民 民間信仰


Danshui as a small town ruled by Spain, Holland, Ming Dynasty represent by Cheng-Cheng-Gong, Ching Dynasty, Japan and Republic of China epitomized the 400 years history of Taiwan. While western Ocean hegemony come out of Asia east-sea, Taiwan was cast the covetous eyes of those countries. Danshui, located on the northeast of Taiwan and the terminal of Danshui River, became a stronghold which control the Far East trade, and developed basic business and cultivation of Han people. In 17th centenary Ching dynasty, Han people tide to emigrate, at that time, Danshui was an important region which berthed the ship and the immigrants. Danshui developed a tight social relationship between immigration and their home town, and follow up, developed the culture based on Taiwan local folk. This research analyzed through the documents why Danshui was so important among these hegemonies, and how it became a port of immigrants. Secondly, this research observe the local religion to analyze the relationship between Danshui and home tow, and discuss the social group of Danshui and also their interaction. Finally, this research discuss the folk sacrifice group to follow up how they merge into the new society.


Danshui Quan state Ting state immigrant folk faith


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