  • 學位論文

自由權公約人身自由和安全之研究 -以日本國內法之實施為中心

Research on the Rights of Liberty and Security of Person in ICCPR-Focusing on the implementation of the Domestic law in Japan.

指導教授 : 胡慶山


無論過去、現在或未來,人身自由皆為人類最重要之基本人權之一。於一二一五年的《大憲章》中即規定「任何自由人,若未依國法,不得逮捕、監禁、扣押、剝奪其法律保護、驅逐,或受其他侵害」,此亦為人身自由保障最重要之淵源。長期以來,國家以打擊犯罪及維護國內安全為由,普遍將剝奪人身自由作為監禁或預防性之措施。過去專制時代,常因非法逮捕、拘禁或酷刑導致人身自由受到不當之蹂躪和侵犯。隨時代演變後之現今,不僅於《聯合國憲章》中已針對基本人權加以明文規定外,更將一九四八年通過之「世界人權宣言」中所規定之一般性權利原則,於《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》中具體條文化,成為國際上保障人權保障重要文獻之一。由此可知,人身自由之保障已由不足至完備、由貴族到平民等,皆足以證明人類對於人身自由權利之重視。 本論文係以一九六六年聯合國通過之《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第九條「人身自由和安全」保障為研究中心,藉由條文學說解釋引出人身自由和安全之保障議題,並探討日本加入公約後,對於日本國憲法等相關國內法律之作用,進而借鏡以提供台灣於人身自由保障制度上不備之處。


Regardless of past, present or future, Liberty of personal is one of human most important fundamental human rights.It is to be found with the Article 39, of the Magna Carta Libertatum: No free man shall be arrested, or imprisoned, or deprived of his property, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor shall we go against him or send against him, unless by legal judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land. Also goes for the liberty of personal to protect the most important source. For a long time, Countries to combat crime and maintain national security ground, generally will be deprived of liberty as imprisonment or preventive measures. During the age of the aristocracy, Often a result of illegal arrest, detention or torture, leading to improper liberty of personal trampled and violated. With the changing times after current, not only in the "UN Charter" has been against the basic human rights to be expressly provided, Even in 1948 adopted the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," and the rights provided for the general principles, in the " International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" in the specific article culture, becoming an international protection of human rights protection is one of important documents. It can be seen by the lack of protection of personal freedom to complete, from the aristocracy to the civilians, and so on, are sufficient to demonstrate the importance of human rights to personal liberty. In this paper, in 1966 the United Nations adopted the Department of the "Civil and Political Rights, the Convention," Article 9 " liberty and security of Person " protection is provided by research centers, by the provisions of theories to explain leads to liberty and security of the security issues, and explore the Japanese after the accession to the Convention for the Constitution of Japan and other related domestic laws of the role, and then draw on in order to provide the personal freedom to protect Taiwan in the system of the Department is not prepared.


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