  • 學位論文


A New Method to Redirect Stray Current in the MRT Track System Via Conductive Concrete

指導教授 : 段永定


隨著台灣社會的發展,人口越來越多,導致車輛不斷增加,根據104年公路總局統計,全台車量達7百多萬輛,機車更高達1千3百萬輛,因此交通壅塞問題越來越嚴重,現今世界各國面對交通問題的對策,均以發展大眾運輸為當務之急,而隨著捷運系統的興建,有效的紓解了都會區的交通問題。但是也同時衍生了一些問題。例如目前捷運系統均採用車行軌作為電聯車牽引電流之回流路徑,但因部分軌道是裸露鋪設於地面上,絕緣系統可能會因氣候及其它因素造成絕緣失效,進而使部分回流牽引電流經由車行軌洩漏至大地,此洩漏至大地的電流稱之為“雜散電流”。 “雜散電流”(Stray Current)在大地中流竄時是難以控制的,而且雜散電流在金屬結構體電流流出處會產生電化學腐蝕,導致結構體鋼筋之耗損,並可能造成地下管線之穿孔洩漏等諸多問題,需要有方法有效解決。 本研究採用了一種新式土木材料:導電混凝土(Conductive Concrete),利用導電混凝土的低電阻導電性,來有效的控制,疏導雜散電流。針對現有的軌道系統及新建的軌道系統,本研究做了小型的混凝土試體模擬實驗,量測試體的效果;並透過MATLAB Simulink軟體分析以驗證實驗結果;最後並進行了迴歸分析。


Due to the fast growing of Taiwan’s society, the population is growing extensively as well. Therefore, resulting in a high demands in transportation. According to the Statics from the Highway Administration Bureau in Taiwan, the amount of vehicles exceeds 7 million in year 2015. This is a worldwide problem; the strategy to solve this problem is to develop the Mass Transportation System. It is an effective experience for most of the countries; however, other problems are derived from it. Among them a serious problem is the “Stray Current”. It is hard to control and cause many corrosions in the metal equipment along the track system. This research utilized a new material – “Conductive Concrete” to solve this problem. Collect the Stray Current by way of the low electric resisting conductive concrete, in order to control it. Small scale models are made and tested. MATLAB Simulink has been employed to analyses and verified the test results. Finally, the regression analysis technique is used to verify the significance of this study.


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