  • 學位論文

All In One電腦快速老化壽命實驗使用週期推估

The life cycle evaluation of aging test for All in one computer

指導教授 : 楊維斌


在工作的時候總是會想到那公司的產品推廣到市面上時產品的"保固幾年"是怎麼來的,進而產生這篇論文研究的動機,跨到別的部門去了解得知是使用Lambda 輸入零件的Bom表可以計算出All In One電腦使用週期為23652小時,但是只能計算出過電零件的使用週期,但無法計算無法過電的零件,進而翻閱課本跟資料後得知可以使用高分馬森等等的公式去計算,使用小樣本的產品就能推算,加上公司主管肯定此研究,覺得在工作的同時可以算出產品的使用週期是可以提供公司有參考"保固年限"進而決定此研究。 本實驗是使用高分馬森求得快速老化因子,而後去收集損壞數據,使用快快老化與高溫低溫環的關係,計算出All In One電腦產在正常的使用環境下使用週期為18919小時~21682小時,此次實驗室使用-30℃~60℃and -40℃~70℃兩個不同的溫度循環測試,去計算損壞率曲線,此兩條溫度曲線為平行線即可驗證這兩種溫度循環下測試出來的使用週期是可以被接受的。


I always engaged the work about quality and reliability. All the tests simulate the product’s working environment, transport process and use Specifications. I doubt how that company set the years warranty of product on the market. That question had been my motivation of this paper. I knew that we can calculate life time of All in one computer by using Lambda enter part of Bom table is 23652 hours, but the table only satisfied electrical part. It’s no use for non electrical part. I learn how to use Coffin Manson formula to estimate life time of non electrical part by a little samples after studied lot of research. And my supervisor thinks this research could provide consultation of years warranty by estimating life time of product is great and positive. Obtain Acceleration Factor by Coffin Manson formula, and collect failure information to calculate AIO computer life cycle is 18919~21682 hours in normal environment by using the relationship between Acceleration factor and thermal cycle. Use two different thermal cycle, that are -30℃~60℃and-40℃~70℃, in test for calculating failure curves. The life cycle which is calculated by these two thermal cycle is qualified if these two curves are parallel to each other.


[4]International Electrotechnical Commission,IEC60068-1,2007
[10]King J.R.,Probability Charts for Decision Making, Tamworth,
[11]Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov,Foundations of the Theory of


