  • 學位論文


The Impact of Motivation of Inducing Qualicert Service Certification and Key Success Factors on Organization Performance of Chunghwa Telecom

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng Chang)


現今是服務經濟的年代,企業也愈來愈重視服務品質。由於服務具有無形性、異質性、不可分割性與不可儲存性等四大特性(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1988),因此無法援用實體物品的客觀品質標準,作為衡量服務品質的標準。目前全球最受認可的國際服務驗證模式-Qualicert服務驗證,台灣已有許多知名企業,用此制度來檢驗服務品質,進而帶動組織績效提升。 目前台灣學術研究中,尚未針對Qualicert服務驗證做深入的探討與研究,本研究想探討個案公司導入Qualicert服務驗證的動機、關鍵成功因素為何?影響哪些組織績效?以及導入Qualicert服務驗證動機、關鍵成功因素對組織績效的影響。首先整理國內外有關動機、關鍵成功因素、組織績效之相關文獻,作為本研究發展分析性架構及設計問卷之基礎。 本研究以個案訪談為主,問卷調查為輔,採立意抽樣方式,個案樣本為國內已導入Qualicert服務驗證之公司。第一階段訪談對象是個案公司營運通路之高階管理者,受訪者共4位;第二階段輔以問卷調查方式,發放網路問卷,抽樣對象是個案公司全區430家之門市主管,回收樣本數共125份,並採用SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析。本研究結果摘要如下: 1、選擇驗證公司的條件,是以具有公信力及國際知名度高的驗證公司,作為選擇的參考依據。 2、推行Qualicert服務驗證之動機,如:提升品質水準…共7項。 3、推行Qualicert服務驗證之關鍵成功因素,如:高階人員全面參與…共11項。 4、推行Qualicert服務驗證影響之組織績效,如:客戶滿意度改善…共12項。 5、個案組織導入Qualicert服務驗證的動機,對組織績效有顯著影響。 6、個案組織導入Qualicert服務驗證的關鍵成功因素,對組織績效有顯著影響。 7、不同人口統計變項的受訪者,在導入Qualicert服務驗證的動機、關鍵成功因素、組織績效的認知程度無顯著差異。 最後本研究結論為「高階主管支持及決心」是推行Qualicert服務驗證關鍵成功因素中最重要的一項。高階主管要能確定執行目標及方向,並將Qualicert服務驗證視為內部持續改善的品質活動之一,規劃單位充分瞭解Qualicert服務驗證之精神,訂定出符合顧客期待的服務標準。於新制度導入期間,主管對員工能多以鼓勵代替責備,如此一來,企業的服務品質方能提升,並有助提升組織績效。即便是無形的服務,也能感動客戶,創造服務的價值。


Now is the era of the service economy, companies are more and more emphasis on service quality. Because of the four characteristics of services include intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability and perishability(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1988). Therefore, It can not use the quality standards of physical objects, as the measures of quality of service standards. Currently the world's most recognized international service certification mode is Qualicert service certification by SGS. There are many well-known enterprises in Taiwanwhich use this management system to measure the quality of service in order to stimulate organizational performance improvement. Currently, academic research has not yet validated the Qualicert service certification by depth discussion and research. The objective of this study is to find out the motivations and key Success factors for company by implementing the Qualicert service certification, and try to investigate the impact on organizational performance and the motivation and key success factors for inducing Qualicert service certification. This study sorted the relevant literature about motivation, key success factors and organization performance to be the base of development in analytical framework as well as for questionnaire designing. In this study, based mainly on case interviews, and questionnaires are done auxiliary. This study used purposive sampling method, and the samples are managers who are ask to verify the Qualicert service certification in the company has been implemented. The first phase of the interviewees are four top managers of the operating channel in the company; the second stage supplemented by network questionnaires and the samples are 430 stores leaders of the company. There are 125 valid questionnaires totally andusing SPSS 19.0 version to analysis the data. The results of this study were concluded as follows: 1.The conditions for selecting certification company are credibility and high international reputation. 2.The motivations of leading Qualicert service certification include 7 items like improving service quality. 3.The key success factors of leading Qualicert service certification include 11 items like the completed participation of top managers. 4.The impact on organization performance of leading Qualicert service certification includes 12 items like improving the customer satisfaction. 5.There are significant influences on organization performance by motivations of inducing Qualicert service certification. 6.There are significant influences on organization performance by key success factors of inducing Qualicert service certification. 7.There is no significant difference onthe recognition of motivation, key success factors, and organizational performance for inducing Qualicert service certification by the different demographic variables of respondents . Finally, the study concluded that "the support and determination of top management” are the most important key success factor of inducing Qualicert service certification. The top management should determine the objectives and direction, and regarded Qualicert service certification as one of the quality activities for internal continuous improvement. Planning department need to fully understand the spirit of Qualicert service certification and to formulate the service standards in line with customer expectations. During the implementation of the new management system, by managers’ support instead of blame of, the employees can be more competent and encouraged. By this way companies can enhance the quality of service and improve organizational performance. And supposedly even intangible services are able to touch customers and create value of services.


1.SGS(2013)。SGS Qualicert服務驗證系統。台北市:SGS 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司。
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