  • 學位論文


A Study on the Curriculum Design of the Collegiate System in Universities– By Two Universities for Examples

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究之研究目的在於探討我國大學書院制度課程設計,與通識教育及博雅教育結合之發展理念、方式與內容。   為深入瞭解書院課程設計,本研究採取質性研究法,以文件分析、訪談之方式獲得資料;研究對象方面,則以目前發展較有成果之二所大學為研究個案,並分別針對書院課程設計之相關人員與書院學生進行文件資料與訪談資料之蒐集。根據文件與訪談資料之詮釋與分析的結果,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、二所大學書院課程皆在平衡大學生通識素養之不足; 二、二所大學書院課程設計在於建構大學生的軟實力 三、二所大學書院課程皆重視大學生學習自發與自主 四、二所大學書院課程富涵潛在課程之意義 五、課程理念方面,紫丁香大學H學院以培養學生社會關懷素養為主,紅木棉大學PY書院則為增加學生知識的深度及廣度。 六、課程架構方面,紫丁香大學H學院以「特色課程」為內容,紅木棉大學PY書院則規劃「知識性課程」及「實踐性課程」。 七、學分安排與修課規則方面,紫丁香大學H學院與校訂之通識課程結合,紅木棉大學PY書院則為完全獨立的書院課程。 八、結業規則方面,紫丁香大學H學院仍為規劃當中,紅木棉大學PY書院則有「結業」與「畢業」之分。


書院 課程設計 通識教育


The purpose of this study is to explore the curriculum design of the collegiate system in universities in Taiwan. And the curriculum design of the collegiate system is combined with general education and liberal arts education, and to understand the development of ideas, methods, and content. To better understand the curriculum design of the collegiate system, this study adopted qualitative research methods, and with the means to obtain information by document analysis and interviews. To interview the related personnel of curriculum design and students of collegiate system for gathering more information. According to documents and interviews of interpretation and analysis of the results, the study summarized the following conclusions: 1. The curriculum design of two case studies are to balance the inadequate of liberal literacy for graduates. 2. The curriculum design of two case studies are to construct the soft power of graduates. 3. The curriculum design of two case studies value the graduates’ independent study. 4. The curriculum design of two case studies implicate hidden curriculum. 5. In curriculum ideas, the H college mainly cultivate the social-care accomplishments; the PY college mainly increase students' the depth and breadth of knowledge. 6. In curriculum framework, the H college mainly develops the feature programs; the PY college mainly develops the “knowledge-based course” and “practical course”. 7. About credit points and studied, the H college links up with general courses of universities; the PY college is completely independent courses. 8. About the graduate rules, the H college is in plan; the PY college has two kinds:”complete courses” and “finish school”.




