  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Project-based Learning Model on Marketing Instruction in a Vocational High School

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究旨在探討專題導向學習模式應用於高職行銷學教學的學生學習及教師專業成長之歷程。研究對象為新北市某高職二年級學生40人,透過行動研究法,進行為期七週共十四小時的行動方案與資料蒐集。研究者為此次課程教學實務工作者,資料蒐集方式包含觀察、訪談及文件分析。研究工具包括教學省思札記、學生專題學習週記、學生訪談紀錄、學習感受問卷及小組專題報告等。本研究結果如下: 一、實施教學時,引發學生動機能協助學生投入專題,學生透過討論促進同學間交流與互動,增加不同的觀點、提升對不同觀點的包容度,並在討過程中增進行銷學知識的理解、增加自主學習與資料蒐集能力。 二、PBL模式有助於學生轉變成學習的主導者,教師則退為學習過程的引導者。 三、專題導向學習模式能提升解決問題能力,增進合作技巧。而小組間互動氣氛影響其參與度、運作及專題成果。 四、學生對於專題導向學習模式應用於行銷教學上,表現出正向的態度。 五、專題期末作品完成後,學生感到成果豐碩且富成就感。 六、專題導向學習模式應用於高職行銷學教學過程中,教師的工作負荷不減反增,常感到工作繁重且分身乏術。 七、授課時間一週二小時,對於實施專題導向學習模式而言,稍嫌緊湊。 八、透過行動研究法來實施專題導向教學,促使教師不斷進行教學反思,提昇教學專業成長。


The purpose of this study is to explore the process of application of project-based learning (PBL) teaching model on Marketing in a vocational high school. The participants of this study are 40 eleventh-grade students in a vocational high schoo in New Taipei County. The researcher adopts the action research method during seven weeks, 14 hours. The researcher is the instructor, and the measurements used in this study included observaions, interviews and documents. The research materials including teachers teaching diaries, students weekly learning diaries, the records of interview and the feeling of learning Questionnaire. Based on the purpose and questions of study, the conclusions are as followed: 1.Students felt much more interest becouse their motivation was aroused. The dicussion activities in classes had aided communication and interaction between students. That is, different perspectives and the degree of understanding and communication skills has been raised. Also, the students’ understanding towards knowledge of Marketing course and the students’ self-study and data collection capabilities has increased. 2.PBL model improved the center of learning transferred from teachers to students. 3.PBL model can improve the integration og cooperative learning and problem-solving skills. The atmosphere of group interaction improves students’ involvement and results of projects. 4.Most students have positive feedback about application of PBL teaching model on Marketing class. 5.Students are more satisfied with the result of the project and be more confident about themselves. 6.Through the process of PBL, the teaching burden seems to increase instead of decreasing. 7.The teaching time were two hours a week, and the teachers felt a little pressed at the time. 8.An action research process has enabled the instructor’s professional growth and teaching reflection.


周怡君(2008)。The application of cooperative learning in novel teaching。教育研究學報,42(2),25-43。
