  • 學位論文


A Study of Integrated Marketing Communication on Consumer's Perceived Value and Purchase Intention - The Case of Budget Fashion

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


根據行政院主計處的統計資料顯示,消費者物價指數在2010年年增率為0.96%,2011年為1.42%,2012年為1.93%,可看出物價指數是逐年上升,但是年所得並沒有上升,民眾的薪資沒有提高,但是物價卻是越來越高的情況下,貧富的差距拉大,因此民眾的消費習慣也就分成了平價與頂級消費此兩種區塊。在M型的社會下,現今消費者越來越精打細算,以創造更經濟的平價奢華,也對各種行銷活動越來越敏感,因此平價流行服飾逐漸受到重視。本研究針對29(含)歲以下的青年族群做問卷調查,探討平價流行服飾的整合性行銷溝通、消費者的知覺價值、購買意願之間的影響。 本研究共計完成250份有效問卷,使用結構方程模型(SEM)分析研究變數之間的關係,研究結果發現:一、「整合性行銷溝通」對消費者「知覺價值」的影響有顯著正相關,消費者會受到廣告(例如:平面或電子廣告等)、促銷活動、公共報導的好壞、會因銷售人員的推銷或建議以及新型態的行銷方式等的吸引。其結果顯示若企業能夠將各種行銷方式加以整合,使消費者感覺良好時,必定能夠增加消費者的購買意願;二、消費者「知覺價值」對「購買意願」有顯著正相關,當消費者對於商品感受良好時,購買意願也就相對的提高,消費者認為價值就是低價、能獲得自己想要的就是價值、價值就是自己所付出的價格而得到的品質、價值是經過一切所換來的結果;三、「知覺價值」在「整合性行銷溝通」與「購買意願」關係中扮演中介角色,證明了整合性行銷溝通並不會直接影響消費者的購買意願,一定會透過知覺價值才會產生購買意願。


According to Executive Yuan who is the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the annual growth rate of consumer price index (CPI) in 2010, 2011 and 2012 were 0.96%, 1.42% and 1.93% respectively. This indicates that the price index is rising with year. However, the public annual income is not growing commensurately. This coupled with the situation of low wages and high living costs has culminated in the increased disparity between the rich and the poor. Thus, the consumption habit of the public can be divided into two segments which are budget and lavish consumers. In the current M-shaped society, customers are more concerned about their spending in order to achieve a more economical and affordable luxury. Consumers are also more aware of marketing activities; hence budget fashions gradually attracting more public attention. The survey of this study focuses on the age group which is under twenty-nine-year-old. The study aims to investigate the influences between budget fashion and the following concepts including the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), customer perceived value and purchase intention. This study collected 250 valid questionnaires. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is adapted to analyze the relationships between research variables. The results reveal that: (1) there is a positive relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication and consumer perceived value. Customers can be attracted by advertisements (e.g. print advertisement or electronic advertisement), promotion activities, comments on social media, recommendations from salespersons and other new types of marketing methods. The results indicate that if organizations can integrate different marketing methods to enhance customers satisfaction, the purchase intention of consumer will be increased. (2) There is a positive relationship between customer perceived value and customer purchase intention. When customers are satisfied with products, their purchase intention will be elevated. Customers believe that value is obtaining what they want with low price, what they pay with perceived product quality, and also what they receive from their investment. (3) Perceived value plays an intermediary role between integrated marketing communication and purchase intention. This insinuates that integrated marketing communication does not affect customer purchase intention directly. In other words, the necessary requirement to generate purchase intention in customers is the perceived value.


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