  • 學位論文


The Human Nature Under Spanish Civil War: The Case of El Tragaluz of Antonio Buero Vallejo

指導教授 : 吳寬


布耶羅.巴耶荷是二十世紀當代著名的劇作家,他開啟了西班牙內戰後戲劇的新時代。他為當時的西班牙戲劇注入了不同以往的全新面貌,讓西班牙戲劇舞台再次重現生命力,恢復了以往的盛況。他是位多產的作家,幾乎每年都完成一部作品,他的每部作品中都伴隨著強烈的社會暗示。他從來都沒有放棄過對真實情況的呈現,而是不斷地用更多的方式去呈現更深及不同問題的觀點。他的戲劇皆以悲劇層面去描述出他對當時西班牙社會及人類問題的擔憂。他的代表作品除了《一個樓梯的故事》外,於1967年上演的《天窗》也獲得了廣大的迴響,同時,這部作品也是他第一部公開提及內戰及其後果的作品。 本論文的研究方法為文本分析法,以巴耶荷《天窗》為主要文本,並以哲學角度去分析及探討此部作品中所呈現出的人性。本論文分為五章。第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、目的、方法、範圍以及研究來源與限制。第二章為《布耶羅.巴耶荷與西班牙內戰後之戲劇》,先闡述西班牙戰後戲劇與氛圍及當時佛朗哥政權的審查制度對戲劇的影響,再介紹巴耶荷的生平、作品及他創新的戲劇手法。第三章以闡述《天窗》中的情節架構、時空安排、場景象徵及人物分析來呈現出在此作品中有別以往的創新表現。第四章為《天窗》中之人性探討,以哲學角度去探討造成這個無法挽回的悲劇中的人性問題,進而呈現出在動盪不安的社會下被扭曲的人性及人性的衝突。最後一章為結論,總結各章要義,說明巴耶荷在此部作品中對人類提出的質疑以及他對未來人類的期許。


Antonio Buero Vallejo, a contemporary Spanish playwright, was considered as the most important dramatist after the Spanish Civil War. Also one of the contributers of the reconstruction of Spanish drama. He started a new era of the post-war Spanish theater. Buero Vallejo was a prolific writer and most of his works were accompanied by strong social implications. Without ever renouncing to reflect the real situation of Spanish society in his drama, the author maintained a perpetual exploration of the problems with distinct point of view and through different techniques. He always works on the tragedy to express his concern about the Spanish society of his time and the human issue. One of his finest literary achievements in contemporary drama, El tragaluz, was released in 1967. It was his first play to demonstrate directly the Spanish Civil War and its consequences. The methodology of this thesis is based on the textual analysis. We will analyze and explore human nature through philosophical perspectives in the case of El tragaluz. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction; it deals with motivation, purpose, method, scope and the sources of information and limitation. The second chapter gives an overview of the post-war Spanish theater and the implementation of the censorship under the Francisco Franco dictatorship; it also deals with introduction of Buero’s life, works and his writing style and dramatic technique. The third chapter is about the innovative dramatic techniques in El tragaluz, including plot genre, time and space, symbolic meaning of the scene and characters analysis. The forth chapter analyzes the human nature shown in El tragaluz. Finally, it summarizes the essence of each chapter and key points, also demonstrates the messages conveyed by the author and brings to a conclusion.


泰瑞.伊格頓 (Terry Eagleton) ,《馬克思》,李志成譯,台北:城邦文化事業股份有限公司,2000。


