  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Adoption of LED Product

指導教授 : 吳坤山


高油價時代來臨,發電成本驟增,電力一直是國內能源消費的大宗,在2008年台灣能源的消費中,電力消費已佔44%,住宅用電佔總消費的21%左右。照明一向佔電力消耗極大比重,我國有17%的電力花在照明上,家庭是電力的最終消費者,如果家庭用戶可以採用較具效率的LED產品及具能源意識的消費型態,則在電力需求面管理可產生巨大的經濟效益。 由消費者創新採用的相關文獻中得知,消費者創新接受程度及新產品屬性是影響消費者採用創新產品的兩大關鍵變數。故本研究以Rogers(1995)創新擴散模型及Holak(1988)新產品採用模型為理論基礎,考量LED產品特性及市場概況,探討消費者創新接受程度、新產品屬性對創新產品採用意願的影響,為本論文主要研究目的。 本研究從相關的文獻探討開始著手,再根據其理論基礎建立本研究之架構與假設,並選用適當的量表為研究工具;本研究主要以居住在大台北地區的民眾為問卷調查對象,採取便利抽樣方式進行調查,問卷發放方式透過網路及紙本問卷發放方式寄發問卷。本次研究共發放450份問卷,總計回收有效問卷402份。針對回收的有效樣本402份資料,進行信度分析、敘述性統計、因素分析、相關分析及迴歸分析。根據實証結果發現,消費者創新接受程度顯著正向影響創新產品採用意願;而新產品屬性亦正向影響創新產品採用意願。因此,創新產品的成功關鍵在於企業需先了解消費者的需求,才能引起其注意,進而產生採用意願。


The crude oil price rises and causes the electric power generation cost increasing rapidly. The electric power is always the major energy consumption part. In 2008 Taiwan, the electric power consumption is 44% of the total energy consumption. The home electric power consumption is 21% of the total electric power consumption. The illumination usually consumes the big participation of electric power. There is 17% electric power in illumination. Home house users are the electric power end customers. If the home house users adopt the power efficiency LED product and have the energy saving sense for consuming, then the electric demand management would gain giant economic profit. From the papers and literatures of Consumer Innovativeness, Consumer Innovativeness Acceptance and new product attribute is the two key factors for consumer to adopt new innovation product. This research is based on Rogers(1995) Diffusion of Innovations Modal and Holak(1988)New Product Adoptioh Model. It evaluates the LED characteristic and marketing overview; explores the affect to new product adoption from the acceptance of Consumer Innovativeness and new product attribute for innovation product. Above is the purpose of this research. This research starts from related literature and paper. According those theories, establish structure and assumption of this research, and use suitable scalogram as the study tool. This research issued most questionnaire tables to the great Taipei zone resident and use convenient sampling for investigation. The questionnaire was issued by internet and hardcopy. In this research, total 450 copies are issued and 402 effective copies are received. This research has done the reliable analysis, Descriptive Statistics、factor analysis、correlation analysis and regression analysis. According the practical result, the consumer innovativeness acceptance obviously affects positively the will of adoption of new product. The new product attribute also positively affects new product adoption will. Therefore, the key point of the success of new innovation product is, the enterprise understands the request of the consumer, then attract their attention, and then the customer starts to get the will to adopt the new product.


Bass, Frank M. (1969). A new product growth model for consumer durables. Management Science, 15, 215-227.


