  • 學位論文


The Present Study of cross-strait negotiations-a case study of direct-flights negotiation

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 郭展禮


本研究旨在探討「當前兩岸協商談判之研究—以直航談判為例」,本文透過對兩岸協商談判策略之研究,並以最新兩岸直航進程作為分析個案,將有助於釐清實務上的困境及需求,尋找出兩岸直航之可能與因應。本研究採文獻分析法及個案分析法著手,著重於兩岸談判協商模式及策略的應用分析,以直航談判為例,探討兩岸談判協商模式與策略之內涵及意涵。就所蒐集與主題相關之理論與文獻,歸納篩選出適當者,做為研究假設之依據,實施綜合分析探討。 全文分為五章,第一章緒論。敘明研究動機與目的、基本概念之界定、研究方法與步驟、分析架構之建立、研究範圍及限制等。 第二章兩岸關係的回顧。區分四個階段:1949年至1987年-互不接觸、1987年至1998年-辜汪會談與辜汪會晤的進展、1998年至2008年-冰封的兩岸關係、2008年-兩岸談判之再啟,透過中華民國的大陸政策及中共對台政策來回顧兩岸關係在此階段的情況。 第三章探討兩岸談判策略,依中共對台談判策略、台灣對中共談判策略及兩岸當前談判現況及直航之影響。有關直航談判形成背景、影響分析,並對實施概況等相關策略探討之。 第四章探討兩岸直航談判的影響,針對兩岸航權談判的發展、兩岸直航之現況與兩岸直航談判之影響,綜合分析等討論。兩岸直航之發展包含兩岸航權談判問題,不可忽略台港模式與澳門模式的影響,就兩岸當前的談判現況及雙方直航談判策略進行介紹分析,並馬英九政府上台兩岸談判的重大進展之背景及成因。 第五章結論與建議。就理論及實際層面之總結對直航政策的看法,提出解決當前問題相對措施,作為提供政府及後續研究者之參考。 【關鍵詞】兩岸直航、兩岸、兩岸關係、直航


This thesis tries to discuss the situation of present study of cross-strait negotiations-a case study of direct-flights negotiation. This thesis reviews the previous cross-strait relationship and negotiations, and tries to understand and analyze the current and future development of cross-strait negotiation in the case of direct-flights negotiation. This thesis uses literature analysis method and case study to understand the model of cross-strait negotiation and to analyze the strategies of negotiation in the case of direct-flights negotiation. There are five chapters in the thesis. The first chapter is an introduction, narrating the purpose of the thesis, basic concepts, research method, the frame of the thesis and the ambit and limitation of the thesis. The second chapter is the review of cross-Strait relations. There are four phases-1949-1987, 1987-1998, 1998-2008 and 2008 until now. This chapter reviews the mainland China policies of ROC and the policies of PRC to analyze the cross-Strait relations. The third chapter is the discussion of the strategies of cross-Strait negotiation and tries to analyze the influence of strategies of PRC and ROC the direct-flights negotiation. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the influence and present situation of direct-flights negotiation. The chapter focuses on the development of the negotiation of the cross-Strait aviation right and the negotiation of direct-flights. The last chapter is the conclusions and suggestion, trying to provide the measures to answer the present problem for the government and future researchers.


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