  • 學位論文


The concept and practice of “Viable Diplomacy”

指導教授 : 趙春山


隨著「中國崛起」,中共綜合國力不斷增強,幾十年來兩岸之間的對立,致使雙方都付出了相當的代價。從兩岸環境與資源來看,中共在世界上,已經佔有強大影響力和發言權,反觀我國卻正逐漸削弱中。2008年國民黨重返執政後,在「九二共識」基礎上,恢復兩岸中斷近十年的和解與合作,希望海峽的和解,能夠延伸到外交與僑務領域,台灣的外交,並不需要在國際社會中每一個場域,都與中共對立與衝突,期能以「活路外交」新思維,從務實的角度及符合我國實際的需求,為我國爭取更大的國際空間。 兩岸「外交休兵」是「活路外交」的一部分,其基本理念就是雙方停止在對方的邦交國進行爭取建交的努力,同時在國際組織及活動中,應相互協助,彼此尊重,共同貢獻國際社會,而非惡性競爭、虛耗資源。 本文從2008年「活路外交」政策實行以降,逐項剖析活路外交的源起、內涵以及實踐,所遭遇的限制、挑戰與機遇,並探討國際上對我「活路外交」的反應及評估其成效。 隨著兩岸關係不斷深入發展,雙方交往已邁入深水區,兩岸應嘗試新路徑,尋找破解政治難題的方法,特別是兩岸對臺灣國際空間問題有不同的期待,使得此一問題有所停滯,阻礙了兩岸和平發展前進。兩岸應共同努力,積極探討與創新,尋求雙方都可接受的方法與模式,對兩岸和平穩定發展起到關鍵作用。


The integrated national strength of Communist China has comprehensively enhanced in the past decades, described as the phenomenon of "rise of China". However, the decades of confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan straits, results in playing a considerable price in mutual development. From the environmental and resource point of view, the Chinese communist party has played dominant role, and occupied a great resource, thus processed great influence and strong force to vocalize its interests. In contrast, those of Taiwan are relatively and gradurally decreased. After Kuomintang ( KMT) returned to power in 2008, based on the "1992 consensus", the two sides of the Taiwan straits resumed, interrupted nearly a decade, reconciliation and cooperation. It is our research question that whether the strait reconciliation can be extended to the field of foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs. The diplomatic policy of Taiwan does not need to be in opposition with the Chinese Communist in each field of the international society. The developed new thinking of "Viable diplomacy" of President Ma, from a pragmatic point of view, and in line with practical demand of the international issues, might strive for greater international space for Taiwan. Cross-strait "diplomatic truce" is part of the concept of "Viable diplomacy". The basic idea is that both parties to cease fighting each other's diplomatic allies with diplomatic efforts. At the same time, about the issues of the participation of international organizations and activities, both sides could assist each other, respect each other and jointly contribute to the international community, rather than vicious competition and wasting global resources. This article reviewed the concept and application of "Viable diplomacy" policy since 2008 to the current status. In the context, each item related to Viable diplomacy was discussed, including the origin, meaning and practice, constraints faced, challenges and opportunities in the future. The international responses to the "Viable diplomacy" of Taiwan government were assessed for the effectiveness of this policy in increasing international space and improving international relationship. With the deepening development of cross-strait relations, exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan straits have entered the deep water zone, where the core issues of the nationality identification will be encountered. The two sides should try a novel path, looking for innovative strategies, to solve the political dilemma. Particularly, the two sides have different expectation about the issue of international space for Taiwan regarding national identity. This issue has hindered the peaceful development of cross-strait relationship forward. Joint efforts from the two sides to actively explore the innovative and practical strategies are essential to seek a mutually acceptable methods and models. This joint effort would be the key force in the development of cross-strait peace and regional stability.


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