  • 學位論文


Research on the economic thoughts and life situation of the literati and officialdom in late Ming Dynasty--a case study of Gu Xiancheng

指導教授 : 高柏園


這本論文以晚明隆慶至萬曆年間的政治經濟為背景、以顧憲成、張居正為例,分析討論士大夫的經濟思想。在論文的定義中,經濟思想是經世致用的代稱詞,和作為學科的經濟學沒有直接關係。由於經世致用與儒學的高度重疊性、以及儒學意蘊的浮濫,經世致用在弱化的儒學中失去政治、經濟上的實際意義。因此以經濟思想代之,用意在於重新以政治、經濟審視經世致用,並藉以申論何謂儒學,一位秉受儒學教育的合格士大夫又該具備什麼特質。 借用史學與社會學式的研究成果,本文擬以顧憲成的一生作為考察範本,將顧的一生分作四個階段,以任官前後作為階段之間的轉折,藉各個階段的考察,結合現有的資訊,凸顯晚明的社會問題;要言之,士大夫的形成過程本身即屬社會問題,再加上帝制社會本有的結構缺陷與晚明中國逐漸與世界史互動的影響,士大夫作為社會最重要的改革力量,究竟呈現出何種運作結構?內部又有什麼衝突、如何溝通?最終出現了哪些改革的實際作為、成效如何?皆是本文所涉及的命題。而貫串種種命題者,稱作經濟思想,其核心精神,則為真儒學。


顧憲成 張居正 萬曆 經濟思想 晚明儒學


In this thesis, Gu Xian-cheng and Zhang Ju-zheng were taken as the typical examples to analyze the economic thoughts of scholar-bureaucrats, and which were under the background of the politics and economy during Longqing and Wanli of late Ming Dynasty . The definition of economic thought in this thesis mean that studying for the purpose of application and putting the ideas into practice, which had little direct connection with economics. Since the high superposition of pragmatism and Confucianism, and excessive implication of Confucianism, the Ideology of using practical knowledge to manage state affairs was losing its practical political and economic significance in the weakened Confucianism. Therefore, the author used economic thoughts instead to reread statecraft ideology from the viewpoint of politics and economy, and discussed what was Confucianism, what peculiarity may a well Confucius educated and qualified scholar-bureaucrats be equipped with. By borrowing the research results of historiography and sociology, the author took the lifelong time of Gu Xian-cheng as the research model, which were parted into four periods. Before and after he was appointed as the official, were seen as the time nodes of Gu Xian-cheng’s lifetime. By combining each period and current information, the social problems of late Ming Dynasty were highlighted. In brief, the forming process of scholar-bureaucrat itself belonging to social problems, the inherent defect of autocratic monarchy structure,and the influence of interaction between China and the world in late Ming Dynasty made the scholar-bureaucrats as the most prominent energy of reform. What kind of operating structure would it be presented, what conflict was in the internal and how to communicate with, what actual deed and effect were appeared, all of these questions were discussed in this thesis. The line permeated with every question was called economic thought, and the core spirit of it was true Confucianism. In addition,as a Master of Arts majoring in Chinese Literature, I feel so sorry for the current stiff thoughts and rigid format. Students learn little useful things during the study at graduate school. Actually, I feel like a can in the assembly line myself. If you do pay attention to the English abstract of the thesis, you may read this paragraph. This is just a monologue of a tiny master student.


