  • 學位論文


The Study of the University of the Arts Library Websites Evaluation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 宋雪芳


大學圖書館網站在網路世代是圖書館服務的重要窗口,圖書館網站可分為三個層面:使用者、內容與資訊架構,網站不單只是有系統的整理資源,使用者資訊行為以及資訊內容也息息相關。在Web2.0的時代,Web2.0表現的是使用者導向理念的落實,資訊數位化、網路化也影響藝術族群的資訊行為,當前藝術大學圖書館網站面對藝術族群,資訊服務能否滿足使用者?要如何有效改善圖書館網站內容與服務品質以獲得使用者的青睞?因此,本研究希望透過文獻分析、國內外藝術大學圖書館網站內容比較分析及深度訪談等方式,提出藝術大學圖書館網站評估的建議,以供未來相關圖書館網站做參考。得到結論如下: 一、 藝術大學學生喜好瀏覽,並且使用的資料型態、類型多元化,要實際到現場直接接觸搜集資料,瞭解當地藝術的發展動態。此外學生希望有可以資訊交流的論壇,能在論壇上分享欣賞展演心得、藝文新聞心得,甚至在檢索方面能留下書評,交換閱讀心得等等,由此可見藝術學生相當注重同儕間的交流,從中獲取更多意外的資訊。 二、 國內外藝術大學圖書館網站所提供的內容與服務相當多元,最常提供的項目包括圖書館簡介、圖書館服務說明、館藏檢索、電子資料庫使用、其他網站連結、最新消息等,但國內與國外藝術大學圖書館網站相比,國外藝術大學圖書館網站資料較廣,並定時提供不同訊息供使用者參考。 三、 館員與學生理想中的藝術大學圖書館網站畫面設計上,館員跟讀者均認為畫面不宜太過單調,適當的利用圖片來加強網站畫面的藝術性;網站內容來看,應跟館外資源連結,提升網站內容的廣度,讓圖書館網站資料多元化,對於需要多型態資料的藝術學生是相當有益處,不用在網路上埋頭搜尋只要透過圖書館網站就可協助藝術學生獲取多元資訊;網站服務館員與學生都希望網站上能有詳細的利用指導,不管是網站使用、電子資料庫使用或圖書館實體導覽,多一點使用指導來協助利用,降低讀者在使用網站時所遭遇的困難;並能有留言板或部落格能分享資訊與讀者交流,提升網站的互動性。 四、 歸納館員與學生對於網站建置的注重層面整合出藝術大學圖書館網站評估應有畫面設計、網站內容、網站服務、互動設計、檢索及使用者調查六個層面。


In the internet age University library websites is library service Important part, library websites to separate three level:use、content and information framework, websites is not only arrangement resource but also about use information behavior and information content. Web 2.0 is performance of the concept of a user-oriented implementation, digital information and internet also affects art groups information behavior, the current University of arts library websites face the art groups the information service can to satisfy the user?How to improve of the library websites content and services to obtain the user's favor? The study to hope that through literature analysis, University of the arts library websites comparative analysis and depth interviews to address University of the arts library websites evaluation to suggest. According to the results of the study, the conclusions are as follows: 1. University of the arts students prefer to browsing, and use of different type resource. To understand local arts developments. In addition, the students hope that there could be a platform for exchange information. We can see that art student rather focus on communication with classmate, from which more unexpected information. 2. University of the arts websites to provide many of type content and service, include Library Introduction, Library Service, Access Collection, Digital Resource, Websites Link, and Hot News. But the foreign University of the arts library websites information mote than inside, and regularly provide different messages for users. 3. Librarians and students think University of the arts library websites design not be too monotonous, the websites design can use of picture to dress up. Websites content should be with another library to connect. For the type of information need more art students are quite good. The websites service librarian and students want to have a detailed websites to use the guide, to drop the art students use websites difficult. 4. To conclude librarians and students to emphasize level, the University of the arts library websites evaluation have six indicator: Websites Design, Websites Content, Websites Services, Interaction Design, Access and User Survey.


