  • 學位論文


A study on cultural diplomacy of Korea - a case study of cultural and creative industries in Korea

指導教授 : 李大中


在現今的國際關係裡,國家追求的已不僅是軍事、經濟上的權力最大化,還包括軟權力在其他地方發揮的效用。「文化外交」是近年來國際關係領域的重要議題之一,它是運用「軟權力」來增進該國在世界上的影響力,在現今全球化世界受到各國的矚目及運用。因應全球化的加深以及資訊時代的衝擊,軟權力的實行與文化外交的模式儼然已成為一國增進國家利益與國家權力的重要外交策略。 文化外交與文化創意產業產生緊密連結,顯示出文化創意產業在文化外交上的重要性,文化外交是國家之間了解與合作的重要途徑,藉著對外文化交流,塑造國際形象,這對提升國家的國際競爭力有其獨特價值。文化創意產業是目前全球新興的產業,也是文化發展的動力,更為先進工業國家帶來豐富的財富,藉由文化創意產業之影響,型塑國家形象以及國家品牌,進而帶動文化外交。 1998年韓國政府以「文化立國」為國家發展文化外交之策略,推出相關計畫、政策、法令、優惠,以及設立若干相關部會等扶植文化創意產業,以促使企業財團與人民之配合與協作,並促進其他產業之發展,成功地迅速重振國家經濟,甚至形成一股「韓流」風靡全亞洲。


In today’s world, most nations seek for not only maximizing military and economic power, but also using their influence of soft power to other countries. “Cultural diplomacy” has been one of the important issues in the field of international relations in recent years. It’s the application of “soft power” to promote the influence of a country in the world affairs. Facing with the impact of globalization and the information age, the conception of “soft power” becomes the key strategic point and the significant strategy in political affairs (authority) and foreign affairs of a country. Cultural and creative industries interactions within economies and countries, manifests the importance of these in cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy is an important way to understand and create cooperation between countries, and will enhance the country's international competitiveness through its unique value. Cultural and creative industries are emerging in the world and are the driving force of cultural development, creating wealth for advanced industrial countries. By means of the cultural and creative industries, countries can rebuild their nation branding and image, and display greater cultural diplomacy. In 1998, Korean government adopted cultural industry as a national strategic industry. It introduced a bundle of plans, policies, laws, subsidies, and established related official departments to benefit enterprises and people and promote other industries. The strategies re-established national economy successfully; moreover, the “Korean Wave” was formed and became a trend in Asia.




謝佳媛(2017)。韓國流行音樂產業的全球化策略研究-S.M. Entertainment Co., Ltd. 的日本市場開拓事例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00264
