  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Cause-Effect Model of Humor Leadership

指導教授 : 洪英正 潘志偉


幽默在人們日常生活中扮演著一個重要的角色,但在過去的研究都是偏重於心理層面的幽默特質而非幽默行為,但是特質是難以在短期培養的,行為是可以強迫自己表現的。因此本研究以探討幽默領導行為為核心,根據洪英正、沈靖宜(2006)「幽默領導初探」質化結果發展「幽默領導行為量表」,並與管理領域結合做實證研究。 本研究主題分成二大部份,第一:發展出幽默領導行為量表;第二探討出影響幽默領導的前導因素,如組織文化、人格特質、個人差異對幽默領導行為上是否有差異,並且探討幽默領導對領導效能的影響。 本研究以量化之問卷調查法,針對企業員工進行研究調查,有效問卷共169份。經過因素分析與集群分析後,本研究將人格特質樣本分為「人際謹慎型」、「人際活躍型」二群;在組織文化部份,則區分為「成熟型文化」與「停滯型文化」二群;在幽默領導行為部份,區分為「高幽默」與「低幽默」二群。再運用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t 檢定、皮爾森積差相關法及單變量變 異數進行分析。 經由研究分析結果發現: 1. 不同的部屬人格特質與組織文化在部屬所認知到之主管幽默領導行為上會有部份顯著差異。我們發現部屬在不同的組織文化所認知到之主管幽默領導行為會有顯著差異,但是不同的部屬人格特質對主管幽默領導行為則沒有顯者差異。 2. 部屬在所認知到之主管幽默領導行為上之不同,會使得其認知到的領導效能有顯著差異。部屬在所認知到之主管幽默領導行為上之不同,對其認知到的領導效能兩構面目標達成度與部屬滿意度達顯著差異。 3. 不同的人口變項之部屬所認知到之主管幽默領導行為不會有顯著差異。另外也發現在不同的人口變項之部屬所認知到之主管領導效能也不會有顯著差異。 本研究完成了幽默領導行為量表,並且對幽默領導做實證研究,這些研究發現將可以被運用在實務上,另外我相信本研究對於幽默與領導理論發展將具有一定的貢獻。


Humor plays an important role in our life. In the past study, it focuses on the humorous traits of the psyche, doesn’t focus on the humor behaviors. It is not easy to train up the humorous characteristics in the short time, but we can force us to show humor behaviors. In this research, we focus on the humor leadership behaviors , in accordance with the paper "On humor leadership" was published in the 2006 by Ying–Cheng Hung and Ching-Yi and the research combined with management area and doing by empirical study. This research is divided into two major parts. First is to develop the humorleadership behavior questionnaire. Second is to examining the leading factor ofinfluencing humor leadership behaviors, such as organizational culture, personalitytraits and demographics differences. Additional study of the relationshipsbetween humor leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness is also implemented. Base on literatures and field study, the research develops a quantitative questionnaire and the samples are focused on enterprise employees. Available responses in total of 169 questionnaires were collected. After thoroughly factors analysis and the cluster analysis, this study divides staff’s personality trait into two groups including “the conscientious type” and “the active type”.Upon the organizational culture, two groups were defined as “the maturity culture” and “the stagnancy culture”. As humor leadership, there were two types were developed: “the high-humor type”, and “the low-humor type”. And in this study use descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, one-sample T test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Univariate to analyze the data. Several findings are revealed from the results of analysis. The main findings are: 1. There is a partially significant difference effect on managers’ humor leadership behaviors by predictors of employees’ personality traits and organizational culture. We find that there is a significant difference effect on manager’s humor leadership behaviors by predictor of different organizational cultures, but no such effect by predictor of employees’ personality traits. 2. There is significant difference effect on leadership effectiveness by different managers’ humor leadership behaviors. There are the same effects on both two dimensions of leadership effectiveness including accomplishment and member satisfaction. 3. There is no significant difference effect on managers’ humor leadership behaviors by the variables of employees’ demographic variables. Also we found there is no significant difference effect on leadership effectiveness by the variables of employees’ demographic variables. There are much more finding that can be applied on practical implementation. And by this study, we have completed the scale of humor leadership behaviors and have done an empirical study of humor leadership. We believe that is a contribution for development of humor and leadership theories.


1.丁虹、司徒達賢及吳靜吉(1988),企業文化與組織承諾之關係研究,管理評論,7(2),173-198 頁。
17陳盈潔 (2004),客服員工之自我效能、組織文化與訓練遷移成效關係之研究-以金融業為例,大葉大學工業關係學系碩士論文。
bottom line: Humor as a moderator of leadership style effects”, Academy of
3王慶中(2005),幽默的研究問題,應用心理研究第26 期,57-71 頁。


