  • 學位論文


Fitness effects of Human Leverage and Business Structure on Financial Performance of Accounting Firms in Taiwan: A Case of Partnership Pattern

指導教授 : 張寶光 陳心田


本研究探討審計服務市場具主導性的合夥型會計師事務所之人力資本槓桿與業務結構適對其財務績效之影響。 採用我國金管會與財政部統計處發行2002至2005年之「會計師事務所服務業調查報告」資料,以二因子變異數分析法(two-way ANOVA)進行分析。主要發現有下列數端, 首先,人力資本槓桿對會計師事務所之財務績效具負向影響,隱含人力成本是重視人力資源的會計師事務所財務績效之關鍵影響因素。 其次,在相同程度之業務結構下,較低的人力資本槓桿其財務績效較高,而較低的人力資本槓桿若搭配較高比例非審計服務的業務結構將產生相對最高之財務績效。前述之結果,在考量了規模、事務所成立年數、分事務所個數、及員工福利等共變數後,並未受到顯著影響,可見其具相當的穩健性。 本文除填補專業服務業人力資本槓桿對財務績效影響文獻的不足外,實證結果亦對會計師事務所決策者具潛在的管理意涵,即人力投入除了考量槓桿程度外,若能進一步與所提供服務之種類及結構進行最佳配適時,將創造出相對最高的財務績效。


This research is to study how the human capital leverage and the goodness of fit of the business structure will influence on the financial performance in predominant accounting firms of partnership pattern in the market of audit services. By adopting the data of “Survey on the Business of Accounting Firms” done by the Department of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Financial Supervisory Commission, covering from 2002 to 2005, and analyzing through two-way ANOVA test, we have discovered several issues as follows. Firstly, the human capital leverage influences negatively on the financial performance of accounting firms. The implicit cost of human is the critical factor affecting on the financial performance of accounting firms which play importance on the human. Secondly, under the same level of business structure, the lower human capital leverage will result in higher financial performance. In collocation with the business structure where non-audit services take up higher percentages, the lower human leverage will produce the relatively highest financial performance. Even after considering covariances of the size, the age, the number of branches and employee benefit, the result is not significantly impacted. It is thus perceived to be quite stable. Through this article we try to make up the insufficiency of documents probing into influences that the human capital leverage has on the financial performance. The practical result also can provide the management implication to policymakers of accounting firms, that is the highest financial performance will be achieved by the best collocation of human input, leverage degree and further the type and structure of services provided.


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