  • 學位論文


The Application of SoundPLAN Mode to Highway Noies-An example of Neihu Dist., Taipei City

指導教授 : 盧博堅


交通噪音是最普遍的環境噪音源,國外有許多文獻指出交通噪音暴露與各種人體健康影響都有關聯,為了解高速公路在不同條件下,對周邊居民之影響,對國內之高速公路噪音進行研究,本研究主要使用噪音電腦模擬模式SoundPLAN模式模擬不同因子條件下(車速、車道數、每車道車流量(passenger car unit , PCU)、大車與小車比例、隔音牆高度等......) 進行模擬與實際值做比較校正,瞭解不同條件其對交通噪音之影響,提出不同條件對噪音之影響範圍,並建立「高速公路交通噪音影響程度判定標準工具」。 模擬結果得知,大小車比每增加0.5,噪音值減少約0.2~0.4dB(A);每減少兩車道,噪音值減少約1~1.5dB(A);車流量每減少500PCU,噪音值減少約0.8~1.5dB(A);而車速超過80km/h時,車速每減少10km/h,噪音值減少約0.3dB(A)~0.5dB(A)。 在管理上,為降低噪音量,可由控制車流量或車速著手,但又以控制車流量為佳。 在隔音牆方面,在一定的高度下,噪音會隨著隔音牆高度增加而削減,其在路堤段及高架段因高程不同,而有不同的變化,但其共通點為隔音牆高度為4m時,對於噪音的削減最為有效,當隔音牆高度超過4m時,雖然也具有減音效果,但是降低之噪音量並無再明顯增加。雖然隔音牆高度為5m時,對於噪音的削減最也有效,但還需考慮道路結構對隔音牆的載重程度及經濟因素等問題。因此,在隔音牆高度之選擇上,建議以4m高隔音牆為考量。 中、日、美三國及我國對高速公路交通噪音管制區域的相關規定,這些規定一般出自噪音相關標準、環境影響評估相關法律規定等。從這三國的相關規定來看,高速公路交通噪音管制區域一般為高速公路兩側約200m範圍內不等(中國為200m,日本為100m,美國為150m)。由本研究所得結果,建議我國高速公路影響範圍可定為30m~至少100m以上不等。




Traffic noise is the most common source of environmental noise. There are many references that the traffic noise associated with human health. In order to understand the impact of the resident who lives nearby highway, we discuss the traffic noise on the highway under different conditions in Taiwan. This study use Computer Simulation model “SoundPLAN” under different conditions (driving speed, number of driveway, traffic flow, the ratio of cars and trucks, the height of acoustic barrier) to correcting analog values and actual values, to find the extent of noise under different conditions, and to set up “The tools of the Influence about traffic noise on the highway”. According to the analog values, the ratio of cars and trucks increase 0.5, the noise decrease 0.2 dB(A)~0.4 dB(A); decreasing the number of driveway, the noise decrease 1 dB(A)~1.5 dB(A); decreasing the traffic flow, the noise decreases 0.8 dB(A)~1.5 dB(A), and decreasing driving speed , the noise decreases 0.3 dB(A)~0.5 dB(A). Under a certain barrier height, the high increase, noise will decrease.The most effective of the barrier with noise reduction is 4m. Although the higher acoustic barrier height is more effective to reduce the noise, however, they need to consider allowable load of road structure and economic factors. Refers to China, the United States, Japan, the relevant provisions of the three countries, highway traffic noise control range is generally within 200m from the highway side. According to the analog values, this study recommending that the highway traffic noise control range may be set for more than 100m range at least 30m.




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