  • 學位論文

企業自創品牌中核心能力與產品發展之關聯探究 ─ 路徑相依理論之觀點

The Exploratory Study of The Relatedness Between Core Competence And Product Development in Building Own Brand:Perspective of Path Dependence Theory

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


裕隆集團推出自創品牌納智捷(LUXGEN)時,遇到全球金融海嘯,景氣低迷,全球車市進入寒冬之際,但納智捷的推出,卻造成市場上的轟動,銷售屢創佳績。在台灣建立起品牌知名度後,納智捷便進軍中國大陸市場及海外市場,朝向行銷國際的目標邁進,而此舉也驗證了納智捷之成功。納智捷之成功,並不單單是行銷成功所能達到,背後累積了裕隆集團將近六十年的經驗與能力。 本研究以質化研究之方式,並採用個案分析法,以路徑相依之觀點,探討裕隆集團的成長演化歷程,期望能夠從中發現企業要如何藉由核心能力,開發出具備差異化之產品,創立企業的自有品牌,並探究其演變過程中是否存在著相似之脈絡可供後續發展依循。 本研究主要探討企業自創品牌在核心能力與產品發展之關聯性,並以路徑相依論點探究過去的關鍵資源與核心能力是否能替自創品牌找到定位與優勢。本研究以價值鏈(value chain)來檢視裕隆集團之組織能力,經過研究分析,發現裕隆集團在自創品牌的過程中,延續其過往之組織能力,並將其不同之組織能力分別運用至華創車電、裕隆汽車與納智捷三間裕隆集團旗下之企業,成為三者各自的核心能力,彼此分工,各司其職,其技術與研發方面為華創車電所負責,製造與生產方面為裕隆汽車所代工,而納智捷只專精於行銷與服務方面。在此,本研究也發現到一種企業自創品牌模式,此種模式有別於過往其他企業自創品牌之形式,將旗下三家企業彼此分工,創立自有品牌。


In the 2008 recession, Yulon launched its owned brand, “LUXGEN,” which was a big surprise in the market. After there was brand awareness in Taiwan, Luxgen started to advance to the mainland China market and overseas markets for the purpose of international marketing. The success is not only done by means of marketing, but some accumulated 60-year experience and capabilities of Yulong Group. The research adopts the case study of qualitative research. In the light of the theory of path dependency, the study delves into the development of Yulon Group and expects to realize how corporations develop the differentiated products and build the self-owned brand. Also, the study examines if there is a similar context in the development for the further transformation. The research mainly discusses the correlation between core competency and product development in a corporation’s establishing its owned brand. We used the theory of path dependency to explore whether the previous critical resources and core competency help lead to the position and advantage of the self-owned brand. Value chain was used to look into the capabilities of Yulon Group. The result shows that Yulon Group extends its preceding capabilities to Hua-chuang Automobile Information Technical Center (HAITEC), Yulon Motor, and Luxgen. HAITEC focuses on research and development. Yulon Motor emphasizes manufacture and production. Marketing and service are what Luxgen concentrates on. Herein, the study discovered a kind of business model of self-owned brands which differentiates from other previous models. Three companies subordinate to one group specialize in what they master and build the self-owned brand.


Robert M. Grabt 著,劉恆逸譯(2011),六版第二刷,現代策略管理,台北市:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
