  • 學位論文


Influence Factors on Police Firearms-Use

指導教授 : 黃一峯


本研究旨在了解影響警察人員使用槍械的因素,除了警察人員是否熟稔相關警械使用的法律規定以外,警察機關及首長是否支持使用槍械的態度、警察人員自我調適壓力的心理是否健全、是否可以承受冗長的司法訴訟、社會通念 及民眾輿論是否支持警察使用槍械以及相關賠償金額的負擔等等,都會影響警察是否使用槍械的因素,另外對於現職國道六大隊警察人員五位、新莊所警察人員二位、警察大學射擊教官一位及警察大學專任教授一位為對象進行質性訪談方式深入探討,據以提出建議,提供警政主管機關、機構本身以及未來研究者之參考。 研究結果發現影響警察人員使用槍械的因素,包括警察組織策略因素、個人因素及環境因素;警察組織策略因素中以教育訓練、建立保險理賠制度、明確使用槍械規範因素為影響使用槍械之重要因素;個人因素部分則以使用槍械經驗、人格特質及對法律素養為影響使用槍械之重要因素;環境因素部分,法院裁判、社會支持及警察工作特性與壓力,亦為影響使用槍械之重要因素。 本研究建議如下: 一、增加實用的射擊訓練課程,結合實務操作情境。 二、建立警察人員因公涉訟理賠之責任保險制度。 三、培養警察運用社群媒體行銷警察形象的能力,以獲取民眾認同及各方支持。 四、建立鑑識制度及成立「警械使用調查委員會」,納入警察開槍標準作業程序。 五、建立警察使用槍械後之心理輔導機制。


This study intends to investigate the possible factors that influence police officer to use firearms in certain situations. These factors include the officer’s familiarity with relevant firearms-use regulations, the stance of both Police Agency and senior officials, the soundness of mind and pressure resistance of the officer, the officer’s acceptability of long-lasting lawsuits, the public opinions and consensus toward firearms-use, the follow-up compensations, and the like. This research was conducted an in-depth inquiry in the form of qualitative interviews with 5 police personnel serving in the Sixth Police Brigade National Highway Police Bureau, 2 police officers serving in Xinzhuang local police station, 1 shooting drillmaster and 1 professor of Central Police University as well as offering suggestions to the Police Agency, institutions concerned and researchers on this issue for further reference. The finding shows that factors affecting how police use firearms include those of police agency strategy and those of the individual and the environment differences. Among the factors of police agency strategy, education training, establishment of the insurance system and the definite regulation of firearms-use are comparatively important. As for the factors concerning individual officers, experience of firearms-use, personality traits and cognitive perception of laws are equally important. Factors concerning environmental differences involve the judicial decisions, social supports and job-induced stress. All of these factors are proven to exert influence on firearms-use of police. Suggestions based on this research are as follows: 1.Increase practical training exercise of shooting and integrate theory into implementation. 2. Establish a liable insurance system for police involved in lawsuit due to law enforcement. 3. Help police officers build up the ability to promote the image of the police through social media so as to gain the endorsement from the public and the support . 4. Enhance forensic system and establish the commission of firearms-use, making this a standard procedure in process of firearms-use. 5. Provide psychological counseling after police using firearms.


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