  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Setting Treatment Fee on Recycling of Waste Glass Industries in Taiwan - Solving A Multi-Level Nonlinear Programming Approach Problem through Simulated Annealing

指導教授 : 時序時


有鑑於資源回收費率公式之爭議,本研究以多階層非線性數學規劃對廢玻璃容器回收議題進行探討,並綜合各決策單位的考量,建立符合現狀的費率模型,再以模擬退火法進行解算,並進行敏感度分析,以期對資源回收之效能及補貼費率之制度有所裨益。 環保署基金管理委員會依據廢棄物清理法和延伸生產者責任制的規範,研擬回收清除處理費率與回收清除處理補貼費率,對生產責任業者課徵回收清除處理費,並將這些基金當作維持國內資源回收體系經費來源,其中包含內部行政成本及給予回收處理業者的補貼費。回收處理業者則根據基金管理委員會獎勵的回收清除處理費與資源化價值的考量,決定投入資源回收的程度。然而基金管理委員會制訂的徵收、補貼費率公式一直以來備受外界爭議,資源回收體系內的各個決策單位對於此費率只能逆來順受,在有利益收入的狀況下,被動的從事資源回收工作,造成資源回收體系的運作效率無法提升,間接使得環境影響成本無法降低。有鑑於此,本研究深入探討資源回收體系內的各個決策單位及其目標,並以廢玻璃容器當作研究標的,建立一個多階層非線性規劃問題,基金管理委員會當作高階決策單位,其目標為平衡基金預算與環境影響成本極小;回收處理業者看成低階決策單位,其目標為自身利潤極大。 本研究將廢玻璃容器的資源回收現狀,並以實際的歷史資料為依據,以多階層非線性規劃問題呈現,經由模糊趨近法轉成一階非線性規劃問題。最後運用模擬退火演算法的技術求解,避免局部最佳而找出最適費率,期望藉此提升資源回收體系的運作效率,進而減低廢棄物對環境的傷害。


For the dispute in setting recycling and treatment fee on recycling questions, this research opens up thinking by using of the Multi-level Nonlinear Programming (MLNLP) incorporating the interests of different decision units with interaction. The algorithm of Simulated annealing (SA) in exploited to solve the MLNLP problem with near-optimal solutions. A sensitivity analysis is also executed for verifying the suggested model. The model and solving algorithm will find the suitable subsidy to recycling industries in Taiwan for the benefit of environmental protection. The Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) in Environmental Protection Administration of ROC Government sets up the recycling and treatment fee to the producer for taxes according to the standard of the Waste Clean-up and Treatment Law (WCTL) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Then the RFMB keeps these funds as a source to maintain domestic recycling system workable, among them including the internal administrative cost and the subsidy for the recycling industries. Based on the consideration on both sides for the subsidy of recycling and treatment fee and the price of processed recycling, the recycling industries will determine how much effort to the recycling operations. Setting up the mechanism on the recycling and treatment fee by RFMB, however, is always an external dispute. Each decision unit in the recycling system can only roll with the punches, and engage in recycling passively under having state of the revenue. It will result in the in-efficiency of the recycling system and make the cost of environmental impact unable to reduce indirectly. In view of this, this research probes into each decision unit and their objectives in the recycling system, and regards the waste glass industries as the target of study for ease of standardization the system. In the multi-level model, the upper-level decision unit is RFMB and its objective is to balance the funds and minimize environmental impact cost; the lower-level is the recycling industries and their objective is to minimize profits. Since the problem is difficult to solve, we transform it into a low-level problem by fuzzy approach. Then SA is utilized to avoid local optimal solution. We hope the proposed approach provides another view for setting recycling and treatment fee for used glass containers in Taiwan.


陳永仁、黃揮原(2003)。廢棄物回收政策-台灣經驗。台灣衛誌, 22(4),318-326。
