  • 學位論文


Factors affecting the acceptance of ICD-10-CM / PCS clinical diagnosis and disposal code information systems

指導教授 : 李宜昌


ICD-10-CM / PCS資訊系統可提供醫師及相關醫事人員檢索、查詢,作為臨床診療、教學、研究及統計分析之用;疾病分類編碼資料也是醫療機構申報病患保險給付的重要依據;另疾病分類統計資料,除可作為醫療機構及衛生主管機關施政及決策參考外,更可作為醫院經營管理與品質評估的指標。 疾病分類的標準一般可由各專科醫學會、醫療衛生機構或保險機構自行訂定,也可由國家統一訂定。世界衛生組織(WHO)為統合全世界的疾病及死亡統計,編撰了有關疾病、傷害等的國際分類標準(ICD)供全世界使用。疾病分類通常由受過專業訓練的疾病分類人員,依醫師的病歷紀錄、手術紀錄、病歷摘要、會診紀錄、醫囑紀錄及檢驗報告等,查閱出相關的診斷與處置資料再給予分類編碼,並將代碼輸入電腦,俾作整合、統計、分析與運用。 本研究主要以Venkatesh & Bala(2008)提出的科技接受模式3為基礎,探討ICD-10-CM/PCS臨床診斷與處置代碼查詢資訊系統的使用意願影響因素,藉以提升疾病分類編碼正確性,改善使用者工作負荷。


ICD-10-CM / PCS information system is to offer physicians and related medical personnel to search and to inquiry for a clinical treatment, for medical education, and for statistical analysis in medical research. Besides, the ICD-10-CM / PCS information system provides data about disease classification and coding information, it is an important basis for medical insurance claims. Moreover, the diseases classification statistics are not only the reference for medical institutions and health policy maker when decision making, but also can be used as indicators of hospital management and quality assessment. In general, the classification standards of diseases are decided by the associations of medical specialists, health care institutions or insurance institutions, or by national unity organization. World Health Organization (WHO) united these classification standards of diseases as a standard called International Classification Diseases (ICD) for the disease and death statistics. ICD integrates compiled related diseases, injuries and other international classification criteria for worldwide use. Classification of diseases works are often executed by professionally trained personnel of classification of diseases. Coding of disease is determining according to medical records of patient including subjective claims, consultation records, prescription records and inspection reports, surgical records, and so on. These records are consulted to retrieve the relevant diagnostic and disposal of information and then given classification code. The code is entered into the computer to form a database in order to serve as integration, statistics, analysis and application. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the use of ICD-10-CM / PCS diagnosis and disposal code to query information systems. The theory of Technology Acceptance Model 3(TAM3) was used to conduct the research model. Questionnaire were delivered to the medical doctors and the classification diseases personnel. Statistical analysis was performed to derive research findings. Base on these findings, we provided several suggestions for enhancing the accuracy of disease classification and coding, and for improving disease classification staff workload.


3.陳麗華(2008). ICD-10簡介及在台灣之推廣
