  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructing a Situated Learning Website for Time Management

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


本研究旨在以情境式學習理論建構時間管理學習網站,利用ADDIE系統化教學設計模式建構時間管理學習網站,以達到本研究之研究目的:(1)建構以情境式學習理論為主的時間管理學習網站;(2)評鑑以情境式學習理論為主的時間管理學習網站。 本研究以工具型個案研究之方法,邀請國立台北科技大學九十八學年度大學部新生及輔導老師針對網站進行評鑑。網站評鑑所使用的工具為「數位教材認證自評表」、「時間管理網站學習後之感受問卷」及「網站情境設計之開放式問卷」,經由評鑑結果,以瞭解輔導老師及學習者對網站的看法。 網站建構過程中遭遇之問題為:人物設計上的問題、遊戲設計上的問題、情境設計的問題、多媒體設計的問題,然而在技術支援者的協助下,根據結果所面臨的問題均獲得解決,最後根據研究結果提出以下結論: 一、 使用者對於網站架構的評鑑結果符合數位教材認證自評表之設計原則 二、有七成以上的學習者開始覺察時間的使用及反省 三、專家與使用者皆喜愛情境的設計 對於未來以情境式理論建構時間管理網站之相關研究提出以下的建議: 一、提供豐富且真實的案例 二、增加多元的情境選擇路徑 三、優良的網站製作技術


This thesis aims to establish a website for time management by the situated e-Learning environment. Using in order to achieve the goals of the study:setting up a website for time management based on the Situated Learning Theory and evaluating the website. It was implemented by the model of Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE). This instrumental case study was evaluated by freshmen and the counselors of National Taipei University of Technology in 2009. The evaluation instruments are the E-learning Teaching Materials Evaluation Form of MOE, the Satisfaction Questionnaire of Website Learning and the open Questionnaire of the opinion for Situated Website Design. Several problems encountered during the establishment of the website and solved by the technical assistance were the problems of the design of the characters, games, environment and multimedia. We have the further conclusion below: 1. The invited experts and the student participants confirm the proposed website design for e-Learning evaluation principle created by MOE. 2. More than 70 percentage of the participants become aware of and introspect the use of the time after this research. 3. The proposed situated e-Learning website was favored by joint experts and students. In the end, there are suggestions for the future study of the Situated e-Learning for time management: 1. Get more abundant and real case studies 2. Increase multi options for the situated e-Learning website 3. Enhance design art for the establishment of the website


許瑛玿、廖桂菁 (2002)。情境式網路輔助學習環境之研發與實踐。科學教育學刊,10(2),157-178。
