  • 學位論文


A Study on Future Classroom: Applying Innovative Green Cloud-based Education Software Services System to Natural Science in Junior High School

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境的高互動模式,確實不同於以往的傳統教室,研究者期望透過雲端教學服務系統協助學生學習與教師教學。因此,本研究旨在探討新北市未來教室計畫暨教育雲端實驗學校計畫試辦學校,運用雲端教學服務系統導入八年級自然領域課程對學生的學習及教師的教學是否有所助益。 本研究主要目的如下: 一、探討運用雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境,對國中自然領域學生學習成就及學習態度的影響。 二、探討運用雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境教學時,自然領域任課教師與學生的看法。 本研究以準實驗研究法進行實證研究,以新北市某國中八年級兩個班共62學生為實驗對象,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。實驗組運用未來教室情境結合雲端教學服務系統進行教學設計,控制組則維持原來傳統講述教學法進行教學設計,兩組分別接受實驗前測,並於完成八週教學實驗後,再進行後測,比較兩組學生在自然領域學習成就與自然領域學習態度上的差異情形,最後針對實驗組學生及自然領域教師進行雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境教學開放式問卷,以便瞭解學生及自然領域教師對未來教室及雲端教學設計的感受,研究結果如下: 一、學生運用雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境在自然領域的學習成就顯著優於傳統式講述教學的學習成就。 二、學生運用雲端教學服務系統結合未來教室情境在自然領域的學習態度顯著優於傳統式講述教學的學習態度。 三、學生喜愛雲端教學服務系統及教學模式並感覺上課更活潑更安全。 四、教師雖擔心雲端教學服務系統的穩定性但仍給予正面評價。


The cloud-based teaching service system is a highly interactive one that combines and complements the Classroom of the Future. The present study adopted the quasi-experimental pretest posttest control group design and explored whether cloud-based teaching service system was useful to both the instructors who used the system and the students in terms of their natural science learning and learning attitude. Sixty-two eighth graders from two intact classes in New Taipei city participated in the study. One class was assigned as the experimental group while the other was the controlled group. The experimental group incorporated cloud-based teaching service system of science and technology to design natural science instruction. The controlled group was instructed with the traditional teaching method. Both groups were given a pretest and a posttest on natural science as well as a learning attitude questionnaire. The results showed that students in the experimental group performed significantly on the natural science posttest and exhibited more positive learning attitude than the controlled group students did. Students felt that with adopting cloud-based teaching service system, their class became livelier, more interactive, and safer. The instructors expressed concerns about the system’s stability; however, they were positive about the system and its’ use in natural science teaching.


