  • 學位論文

應用萃智(TRIZ)與階段性品質機能展開於創新產品研發—以AiO(All in One)個人電腦開發為例

The Synergy of TRIZ And QFDs Application for Innovative Product R&D-A Case Study for AiO-PC

指導教授 : 葉繼豪


個人電腦隨智慧型手機、平板電腦、應用軟體與網路型態的改變,形成全新的消費者習慣,造成個人電腦市場的縮減。AiO PC一體成型的系統架構不佔空間、外觀時尚、配合作業系統與應用軟體而提昇觸碰螢幕功能,加上視聽娛樂的影音中心更加強了AiO PC的應用,因此將成為個人電腦市場中未來的趨勢。本研究以從事主機板Layout設計多年經驗為背景探討AiO PC主機板Layout設計中所涉及的電子電路、電磁干擾、散熱、外觀設計、電源等相關工程在面對產品朝愈來愈輕、薄的設計所帶來的挑戰,所需要更多突破框架的思考方式以因應種種困難;所幸藉由萃智(TRIZ)有系統、有程序的創新理論,協助本研究在AiO PC產品開發過程中,找出多項有效的解決對策,改善研發中所發生之種種問題,全仰賴萃智(TRIZ)的幫助而得到之成效。 本論文之研究方法為運用萃智(TRIZ)的創新問題解決方案,結合四階段品質機能展開QFD,以AiO PC開發為例在每個階段所展開後找出矛盾問題,再分別以萃智(TRIZ)創新原則找出解決方案,經由理想性評估得出最為可行之方式,然後實踐於AiO PC在主機板Layout設計中所面臨之種種問題。希望藉由萃智(TRIZ)創新原則於AiO PC在產品發展過程中,以創新思維解決所遇到之問題,以縮短研發時程並減少開發成本。


PC performs a network configuration change according to a Smartphone, tablet PCs, applications. A sweeping new consumptive habit is occurred, and the personal computer market share is reduced as well. AIO PC (All in One system architecture) does not occupy space, which is stylish with the operating system and application software to enhance the touch screen features and plus audio and video entertainment center to have further strengthened the AIO PC's applications. Furthermore, it will become the mainstream in PC market in the near future. In this investigation , based on editor’s proficient in Motherboard Layout design to explore the knowledge of the AIO PC which relate to design of Electronic circuits, EMI (Electromagnetic Disturbance), Thermal, ID (Industrial Design), Power and other engineering products; it’s getting challenges to design more light and thinner products so that more breakthrough ideas are needed to deal with the difficulties. Fortunately, according to systematical and innovative TRIZ theory, it assists this study to find effective countermeasures to improve R & D problems in the AIO PC product development process. All rely on the help of TRIZ. This paper is based on TRIZ innovative solutions to problems, which combined with four-stage quality mechanism QFD. Taking an example of AIO PC development, first step is to identify contradictions and problems in each stage after deployment; second step is to follow TRIZ the principle of innovation and find a solution; finally, it needs ideal assessment to find out the most feasible method, and then practice in the AIO PC motherboard Layout design challenges. I hope it is workable to shorten development schedule and costs when we encounter problems and implement innovative thinking the through TRIZ the principle of innovation in the AIO PC development process.


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