  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementing Dynamic Pricing Strategy to Sales Force Automation System

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 耿慶瑞


本研究以台灣石化龍頭旗下的海運公司(簡稱F 公司)為例,運用個案研究方 法,探索如何避免營業人員為承攬足夠貨源卻忽略貨品承運價格合理性,本研究 運用各項管理理論驗證出個案公司的管理問題點,以期協助個案公司進行改善。 本研究遵循克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)利用產品來完成工作理論,經由實際會談F 公司各管理幹部檢討、分析損益資料、以及觀察實際運作情形後,直接以excel 模擬出「動態定價策略」系統,並實際導入F 公司運作後所發現的管理問題,再透過「代理理論」與「擴充性科技接受模式理論」等文獻,整理出其中重要的關鍵變數--「信任」、「有用性認知」、「容易使用認知」、「尊重」與「組織」等變數,本研究架構以「擴充性科技接受模式理論」為設計基礎,期作為該項系統導入後所發生管理問題改善之理論依據。 經研究發現新系統導入時,依據「擴充性科技接受模式」理論「有用性認知」 與「容易使用認知」,可促使新系統導入順利,但本研究發現若加上「信任」變數 可讓員工提高「忠誠」使用,再加上能於行動裝置上App 軟體,使各經營幹部親 自掌握到資料,最容易取得「信任」,也明瞭如何改善收支,導引全公司員工全心 投入經營改善。


In this study, Taiwan's leading petrochemical shipping company (abbreviated Company F), for example, the use of case study method to explore how to avoid the sales staff to undertake adequate supply neglected carriage of goods at reasonable prices, this research using the case of the management theory verification problems of the company's management in order to help the company to make improvements. The study protocol Christensen (Clayton M. Christensen) use of the product to complete the work theory, the actual talks through the management company F cadres review, analyze profit and loss information, as well as observing the actual operation situation, direct to excel simulate a dynamic pricing strategy system and the actual import F operating discovered by management problems, and then through the agency theory and scalable technology acceptance model theory in literature, sorting out one important key variables - Trust , usefulness cognition , easy to use cognitive , respect and organization , etc. variables, this study architecture with extensibility technology acceptance model theory as the design basis, as the system of import management problems occurring after the theoretical basis for improvement . v The study found that the new system is introduced, the basis of scalability technology acceptance model theory perceived usefulness and easy to use cognitive, can contribute to the smooth introduction of new systems, but the study found that if the words "trust" variables allow employees improve "loyalty" to use, plus be able App software on mobile devices, so that cadres personally grasp the operating data, the most readily available "trust", but also to understand how to improve the balance of payments, the guide all employees dedication to improve operations .


Sales Force Automation TAM Pricing App.


