  • 學位論文


Development of microbubble generators using micro electromechanical system (MEMS) technologies

指導教授 : 呂志誠




微機電 微氣泡 產生器 微流道


This paper describes device design and manufacturing process to generate single microbubbles for biomedical applications. With MEMS technology several cross-shaped microchannels are designed and fabricated by using the SU-8 photoresist mould and Polydimethylsiloxance (PDMS) material. The microbubble generator controls gas and liquid inlets to segment continuous fluids, referred to as two-phase flow, in the microchannels. The void segments filled with gas thus form initial microbubbles. These microbubbles are then transferred to the next-stage microchannels for further bubble separation and size reduction. The ultimate diameter of microbubbles is expected to reach less than 50 μm. With further harden and collection processes the microbubbles are able to enhance imaging effect in ultrasound or MRI medical applications; besides, they can elevate delivery efficiency of drug or cosmetics, and more importantly, bio-effect of ultrasound gene therapy.


MEMS microbubble generator micro-channe


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