  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying RFID Technology on the Steel Reinforced Concrete Construction Component

指導教授 : 王隆昌


無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)近年已被先進國家廣泛應用於各領域創造了高度之效益,包括營建產業方面,如:營建材料、混凝土試體、預鑄構件吊裝、供應鏈管理等,因此先進國家們紛紛擬定RFID的發展計畫與政策,積極投入RFID的應用與研發,由此可知RFID技術的應用與發展為當今全球所競逐的重要議題。 根據調查顯示國內自從九二一大地震之後,因SRC結構較RC結構具自重較輕與耐震等特性,故後續新建或重建之建築採用SRC構造的比率有逐漸增加之趨勢。又SRC結構涵蓋鋼骨及鋼筋混凝土兩種構造,故其設計及施工較RC構造複雜。另先前研究無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)置入於RC構件中,經實驗研究驗證其技術可行性,然為求研究整體之完整性,故本研究擬將RFID標籤置入於SRC實體構件(柱、梁)中,探討其通信狀況及讀取之可行性與施工性。並針對SRC構件與RFID技術(頻段、標籤樣式、讀取器、通信能力等)之特性,作一交叉評估與測試,以研擬RFID標籤置入SRC構件之建議施作流程,最後實證結果如為可行,期能提昇後續建物生產履歷E化管理之效益並且給予相關後續研究之參考。




Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been adopted widely by many advanced countries in various fields to create great benefits in recent years, including the filed of construction industry, such as construction materials, concrete specimen, installation of pre-cast structure, supply chain management, etc. Therefore, the advanced countries have drawn up their own RFID development plans and policies. Moreover, they have involved in RFID application and development very actively. We can learn from the fact here that the application and development of RFID technology have become an important topic nowadays all over the world. According to the survey, it shows that in Taiwan after 921 Earthquake because the characteristics of self-weight and seismic resistance for SRC structure are better than those for RC structure, the ratio of using SRC structure in newly constructed or reconstructed building is gradually increased. SRC structure includes two types of structures, steel and reinforced concrete. Therefore, the design and construction of SRC structure is more complicated than RC structure. In addition, in previous study which installing RFID into RC components, after experiments, it is verified that the technology is feasible. However, in order to seek for the completeness of the whole study, it is proposed in this study that the RFID labels will be installed into the SRC components (column and beam), and the feasibility and constructability of its communication and readability will be discussed. Besides, for the characteristics of SRC components and RFID technology (frequency band, label style, reader, capability of communication, etc.), a cross-assessment and testing will be conducted to find out the appropriate method and location to install the RFID labels. Finally, if the empirical results are feasible, it is expected that the maintenance works after construction and the benefit of E-Management can be improved. In addition, it could be the reference to the follow-up studies for relevant departments.


RFID SRC specimen SRC component


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