  • 學位論文


The Research on Using Passive RFID to Establish the Management System of Equipment Loan Service

指導教授 : 張淳智


本論文研製之無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)為二十世紀所興起的一項技術,其應用領域非常廣泛,最大的特色在於可大量辨識資料,並且幫助減短作業時間、增加作業效率,若能將RFID技術應用於器材管理上,可經非接觸式同時辨識大量物品,快速完成作業,改善傳統管理上之缺失。但RFID系統實際應用上易受金屬與液體等物品之干擾影響辨識效果,且當RFID系統同時讀取大量物品時電子標籤會互相受到干擾,導致辨識不佳的情況產生,對實務界來說,若讀取率無法達到百分之百,業者對系統的導入可能有所顧慮,因此本研究將利用被動式RFID技術建置器材管理系統,從中尋求系統最佳的佈設方式以及實際應用上面臨困境時如何改善其缺失,使RFID系統應用上更加完善。 本研究先針對RFID系統進行三部份的實驗測試,分別為:系統佈設方式、材質辨識問題、多樣物品辨識問題,實驗結果發現較佳系統佈設方式主要將辨識物品放置讀取器前方扇形廣角內,放置距離不超過100cm;而針對難以辨識之材質問題建議可於天線底部加上隔絕物體,本研究發現金屬與液體物品都可利用珍珠板作為標籤與物品之間的隔絕物,藉此提升辨識效果,因此建議RFID廠商可開發相關技術,使其應用上更加完善;另一方面當RFID系統辨識大量物品時,標籤之間容易受影響導致辨識不佳,因此可利用雙天線讀取器的佈設方式,擴增讀取範圍,改善其辨識不佳之缺失,並且利用系統容錯之設計,以滿足實務上的需要。


RFID 多樣物品辨識


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) was developed in the twentieth century, and was applied to various fields in recent years. This research tried using passive RFID to construct a management system on equipment loan service in order to improve operation efficiency. However, RFID is not only easily interfered by metal and liquid, but also interfered by other tags in operation. Therefore, to seek the best system layout and to improve the troublesome condition, this research designed three types of experiments: System Layout, Material Interfering, and Multiple Tags Identification. The empirical results show that: (1) putting tags within the fan-shaped range of the front of reader will get higher recognition rate than others; (2) putting the nonconductor, i.e. Fome-Cor? Board, at the back of tag can raise the recognition rate when metallic or liquid articles are being identified; (3) putting couple RFID readers on the same plane can raise the recognition rate when multiple tags are being identified.


RFID Multiple Tags Identification


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