  • 學位論文


Applying RFID Hand-Held Device in Factory Equipment Diagnosis

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


隨著科技的進步,工廠的生產設備也愈來愈多樣化,各種不同的設備要能夠發揮其最大的效能,完整的維護機制是不可獲缺的。 本研究結合無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)與手持式設備於診斷維護系統中,讓工程師在設備故障時能夠有效及快速的診斷;當中控系統發現某設備異常時,可立即發出訊息到工程師的手持式設備中,以告知其設備異常,而工程師只要拿著RFID手持式設備到故障的機台前讀取機台中RFID tag的參數值到手持式設備中,再藉由手持式設備中的模糊法則(Fuzzy rule)及模糊推論系統(Fuzzy rule-based inference system)推論出可能故障的零件或是各零件故障的機率,以幫助工程師快速的找到問題所在,盡可能的減少停機的時間,大大的提升維修的效率;除此之外,在維修完成之後也可以藉由手持式設備發送訊息到中控電腦系統,以告訴管理者已維修完成,以及同步手持式設備及中控電腦中的糊模法則資料庫。 藉由RFID手持式設備之應用,可以大輻的縮短工程師檢查的時間,並且提高設備使用之效益。


Effective information exchange is essential for successful operation in the highly automated manufacturing and maintenance facilities. The use of RFID system, networks, and communications with operators by using the wireless Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) is proposed in this paper. Generally, this system collects and analyzes sensory data in order to take necessary actions, to display their status and inform a PDA user and central system briefly. In this paper, the main goal is to design a Hand-held Device application combine RFID with monitoring system and to create a fuzzy-rule-based inference in Hand-held Device. Firstly, the machine status would be displayed in the monitoring system. When the machine fails, PDA users will be informed. Then, the PDA users can obtain the information from the tags by PDA reader and can use the fuzzy rules to infer the reasons of breakdown and which part of this machine should be repaired. Therefore, the breakdown machine can be repaired immediately when PDA users are informed. After repairing the machine, the new rule can be transmitted to other PDA users and central database by replication Consequently, applying RFID hand-held device in factory equipment diagnosis can make a big increase on work efficiency.


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方凱平(2013)。自動辨識技術於跨國多廠區生產營運管理之應用研究 -以H連接器廠為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-1907201316481500
