  • 學位論文


Performance of Modified Nitrile - Phenolic Adhesives on Different Substrates

指導教授 : 段葉芳


本研究主要是探討由改性丁腈橡膠(acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber)與resol型酚醛樹脂(phenol–formaldehyde resin),所參混而成的丁腈-酚醛接著劑(Nitrile rubber-Phenolic resin Adhesives),針對不同金屬及橡膠基材之接著性能。此次研究的金屬試片有不?袗?、鋁合金與鐵片,而苯乙烯-丁二烯橡膠(SBR)、氯丁二烯橡膠(CR)、丙烯腈-丁二烯橡膠(NBR)、天然橡膠(NR)和乙烯-丙烯橡膠(EPDM)是本研究所使用的橡膠基材。本研究指出添加10%氣相式矽填充物能有效增加丁腈橡膠-酚醛樹脂接著劑的軟化點、黏度及接著強度。在特定比例的酚醛樹脂下,接著劑對金屬有良好的接著性能,最高的剪切強度出現在11310 kPa為鋁對鋁金屬接著,至於橡膠對橡膠接著最高剪切強度及剝離強度分別為1180 kPa與6.36 kN/m,出現在CR-CR與NBR-NBR接著上。另外再以矽烷偶合劑(3-aminopropyl-triethoxy silane)改性接著劑,可使Fe-NBR的剝離強度及剪切強度則分別增強23%及20%。針對某些基材而言,丁腈-酚醛接著劑是可以取代含鹵化物的CR系接著劑。


This study focuses on investigated the adhesive properties of a blend of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber and resol type phenolic resin when bonding with various kinds of metal and rubber substrates. The studied metal substrates included stainless steel, aluminum, and iron. Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), chloroprene rubber (CR), acrylonirile butadiene rubber (NBR), natural rubber (NR) and ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) were the rubber substrates used. The research pointed out using 10% fumed silica filler effectively to increase softing point, viscosity and adhesive properties. Moreover, in specific proportion of phenolic resins, the research results show good quality for bonding metal substrates. The highest shear strength of the order of 11310 kPa was obtained on aluminum- aluminum bonds. In the case of rubber-rubber bonding, the highest peel and shear strength (6.36 kN/m and 1180 kPa, respectively) were found on NBR-NBR and CR-CR bonds. Furthermore, the adhesives were modified by using silane (3-aminopropyl-triethoxy silane), and it shows that it could increase the shear strength and peel strength values by 23% and 20 % on Fe-NBR bonds, respectively. Focusing on some specific substrates, it is possible to replace halogens contained with CR type adhesives with nitrile-phenolic adhesives.


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