  • 學位論文


Mergers & Acquisitions and Organizational Change in Banking ─ A Case Study of TBB

指導教授 : 林鳳儀


在政府考量加入WTO金融市場開放後,國內金融應朝大型化國際化發展,以增加金融業競爭力。TBB配合政府推出組織改造以因應第一次金改258政策,卻又被指定為第二次金改被併購之對象。不料引發TBB工會發動台灣金融史上第一遭的罷工活動,使得二次金改為之頓挫。 八年過去,金融機構併購的討論再一次點燃;顯然是一個合適的時機點讓我們再一次檢視環境、政府、管理階層和勞工各面向在這議題上值得深思之處。本論文試圖從多重面向仔細檢視併購的一些主因,以及利害關係人的觀點,深入討論金融改革下併購的問題;讓學生藉由實務與理論相互驗證: 一、 TBB併購的動機為何。 二、 分析此次TBB併購失敗的原因。 三、 分析TBB員工對組織變革抗拒原因,並從高階管理者立場衡量應如何因應。 四、 從員工的基本權利,討論罷工的合法性。 五、 從TBB高階管理者的立場,探討TBB所發生的衝突及解決方法。 六、 從TBB高階管理者的立場,提出應如何因應此次罷工事件。 七、 本個案中是否存在代理人問題。 八、 試討論台灣公股代表所扮演的角色。


併購 組織變革 衝突管理 危機管理 銀行


After Taiwan was admitted to WTO, the financial market opened up. For Taiwanese financial institutions to be competitive, they would have to expand to larger sizes. Therefore the government began to consider launching “The Second Financial Transformation Plan”. The first one was put forth in 2004 In “The First Financial Transformation Plan”, Taiwan Business Bank aimed to achieve a policy called “258”. In response to the policy, TBB forged a restructuring scheme. In the second one, TBB was targeted to be merged by another bank. Its labor union reacted with a strike that was the first strike ever happened in the country’s financial history. The consequence of the strike was the cessation of the Second Plan. Eight years on, the discussion of merger & acquisition are rekindled again. It is a propitious time to re-examine the considerations of the environment, the government, the management, and the labor of that time. This study tries to scrutinize from the perspective of shareholders the various aspects and major factors involved in merger & acquisition. The following issues are worth inspecting infuture merger & acquisition cases. 1. What motives the merger & acquisition of TBB. 2. The analysis on the causes of failure in the TBB case. 3. The analysis on the causes of the resistance of the employers, and from the perspective of higher management, the responses to the resistance. 4. The discussion on the legality of a strike, from the perspective of the fundamental rights to employers. 5. The responses of the strike, from the perspective of the higher management. 6. The inspection of confrontations and solutions in TBB’s case, from the perspective of the higher management. 7. Problems involved in the representatives. 8. The discussion on the role played by the representatives of the government shareholders.


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