  • 學位論文


Reliability Study of LED Power Modules

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


地球暖化現象日趨嚴重,現今綠色能源成為人們重要的課題。綠色科技產品近年來發展越來越快速,發光二極體為眾多綠色科技產品其中一環。發光二極體照明產品由光源、電源、殼三大部分組成,多數研究皆探討光源之亮度與壽命,但當電源模組生命週期無法跟上光源技術的腳步,光源生命周期即使再長也是無法達到整體照明產品效益。此外由於科技與需求之增進促使照明燈具越做越小,散熱問題更加被重視,故產品可靠度相對的也同樣被關注。 本研究透過文獻發現美軍軍規標準(MIL-HDBK-217F)、美國商業標準(Telcordia)為可靠度探討時最普遍使用之標準,故本研究運用其探討多種電子元件組合成之發光二極體電源模組在產品設計階段找出關鍵零組件,接著利用TRIZ方法提出改善方向以提升照明燈具整體可靠度。此研究建構一套提升產品可靠度模式,在產品研發階段找出產品問題並提出解決問題解決方案。以發光二極體電源模組個案研究之物料用料清單,透過軍規標準與商業標準找出失效零件,發現兩套標準皆為「電容」最早失效。進而以TRIZ方法,找到溫度、裝置複雜性、可靠度、物質損失矛盾因素。透過此研究發現發光二極體電源模組在研發設計時,可增加電容並聯或採用多組數設計以間隔距離設置的發光二極體模組以及於電容接合處塗上一層散熱膏,以提升發光二極體電源模組之可靠度。


With the aggravation of global warming phenomenon, our society has taken green environment and sustainable development more and more seriously. As a result, environmental technology products, including LED power module products, fast develop in recent years. LED power module products consist of three main department, lighting, electricity and shell. Most reports discussed about illumination and effective duration of the lighting. However, the power module is not well developed as lighting technique. The lighting product efficiency can’t make great progress only with well-developed lighting technique. This research explored a number of LED power modules composed of electronic component for finding out the key failure component in the stage of product design to improve the reliability of lighting fixtures. In addition, the market demand pushes lighting fixtures become smaller and smaller. Thus, thermal problems and the reliability become matters of great concern. This research explored a number of LED power modules composed of electronic component for finding out the key failure component in the stage of product design to improve the reliability of lighting fixtures. And this research builds up a model increase of product reliability for searching key problem of products in limited time. With the bill of materials by case study, we found out the key failure component through MIL-HDBK-217F and Telcordia are capacitor. The contradictory found by TRIZ are temperature, device complexity, reliability, and material loss, and will be useful in product improvement. Through this research found that LED power module can increase the number of capacitor in parallel, multiple groups to distance interval setting of light emitting diode, and coated with a layer of thermal paste at the capacitor juncture, enhancing the reliability of LED power module at research and design stage.


LED power module reliability MIL-HDBK-217F Telcordia TRIZ


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