  • 學位論文


Research on outsourcing of operation Hakka Cultural Museum-A Case study on Hakka Cultural Museum of Longtan Township, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 宋立垚


客家文化館為詮釋和記憶客家文化特色之場所,並具有保存、傳承及延續客家文化之使命,也為客家文化發展帶來新的契機。鑒於政府為了保存及傳承客家文化精神,造就近年來國內客家文化館在各地如雨後春筍般的蓬勃發展,而在營運與活動推廣上,均依賴政府編列預算支出營運。但近幾年政府財政日益困難,原由政府負擔支應之預算經費,面臨著逐年短缺困境及無法另闢財源情況下,致使未能發揮原先建館之預期功能,使得現階段的客家文化館在營運發展上面臨著極大之瓶頸,造成營運不彰或低使用率之原因。 有鑑於此,本研究以桃園縣龍潭鄉客家文化館為例,蒐集相關文獻、理論、法規資料及國內外成功案例分析借鏡,透過實質與非實質環境現況研究調查及SWOT分析,並徵詢專家意見研擬相關課題及探討策略因應。本研究建議以公私合作之委外經營模式觀點,尋求客家文化館營運利基,為客家文化館注入營運生機,共創地方政府、民間機構及民眾三贏之局面;同時研擬營運規劃、招商制度、履約管理層面歸納相關課題,進而研訂桃園縣龍潭鄉客家文化館委外經營之策略,使桃園縣龍潭鄉客家文化館得以永續經營。


委外經營 公私合夥


The Hakkas Cultural Mseum for the annotation and remembered place of the Hakkas culture characteristic, and has the preservation, inherits and continues mission of the Hakkas culture, also brings the new turning point for the Hakkas culture development.In view of the fact that government in order to preserve and inherits the Hakkas culture spirit,accomplishment in recent years domestic Hakkas cultural museum in each place like mushroom growth vigorous development, but in transport business and the active promotion, relies on the government to arrange in order the budget credit transport business.But the government finance day by day is in recent years difficult, the reason government burden deals with the budget funds, faced with is being year by year short the difficult position and is unable to ward off in addition the source of wealth situation, causes not to be able to display constructs the hall originally the anticipated function, causes the present stage the Hakkas Cltural Mseum to be near the enormous bottleneck above transport business development, creates transport business not clear or reason of the low utilization ratio. In terms of this, the study took the Hakka Cltural Mseum of longtan township, taoyuan county as example, collected relevant documents, theories and regulations material and the domestic and foreign success case analysis profit by observing others, the penetration essence with the non-substantive environment present situation research investigation and the SWOT analysis, and seeks information the expert advice to draw up the correlation topic and the discussion strategy in accordance to. the study suggestion committee of by outside the public and private cooperation the management pattern viewpoint, seeks the Hakkas Cltural Mseum transport business advantage base, pours into transport business vitality for the Hakkas Cltural Mseum, altogether creates the local authority, the folk organization and the populace three wins the aspect; Simultaneously draws up transport business plan, businessmen are invited to open companies system, honors an agreement to manage the stratification plane induction correlation topic, then grinds subscribes outside the taoyuan county longtan township Hakkas Cultural Museum committee strategy of the management, enables the taoyuan county longtan township Hakkas Cultural Museum for sustainable operation.


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