  • 學位論文


The research of logistic quality relationship and performance in electrical components industry – Take L company for an example.

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


近年來由於電子科技產業的蓬勃發展,各種3C科技產品的推出更是日新月異與時俱進,而3C科技產品除了要有強大的功能性與實用性之外,價格、時尚、品味、與眾不同、新產品推出速度,似乎已經變成消費者的評價標準與重要要求,因此各大3C科技業者無不加快新產品的研發與推出速度,以求能在3C科技產業裡拔得頭籌搶得先機。 而台灣的電子科技業者,一直以來就是全球3C科技產業的最重要供應鏈之一,在全球3C科技產業鏈裡,台灣的電子科技業者具備提供:產品的設計與研發(Product R&D、ODM)、電子代工生產(EMS)、電子零組件供應(Electronics Components Vendor)等供應鏈能力,幾乎已經能涵蓋所有3C產業供應鏈,而其中又不乏各產業供應鏈的龍頭領先業者,如:筆記型電腦ODM大廠『廣達』、電子代工EMS大廠『鴻海』、IC設計大廠『聯發科』、晶圓代工大廠『台積電』等,皆是領先全球3C科技產業的重要業者。 而在電子零組件供應鏈裡,除了台灣本土的電子零組件製造商之外,為了服務廣大的OEM(品牌)、ODM(貼牌代工生產)、OBM(自有品牌+生產)、EMS(電子代工生產)客戶,外國品牌的『電子零組件製造商』與提供代理銷售服務的『電子零組件代理商』也成了電子零組件供應鏈的重要組成分子。而在今日3C科技產業的高度競爭之下,各電子零組件製造商與電子零組件代理商所提供的商品服務,已經成為3C科技產業的重要『成本』競爭力依據。而成功的電子零組件代理商如何能在眾多的同行競爭之下,將上游電子零組件製造商所交付的銷售任務圓滿達成並創造銷售佳績呢? 本研究針對上游電子零組件製造商與電子零組件代理商的『通路關係品質』與『績效』的關聯進行研究,透過變數模型的建立、文獻探討引用、業界專業人士訪談、最後再根據訪談結果與文獻探討的驗證,證明『通路關係品質』與『績效』確實有正面的關聯性,而『通路權力』與『國家文化差異』也確實是影響代理商績效的最大操作變數。希望此研究結果能夠作為電子零組件代理業界的『通路關係品質與銷售績效』的參考依據,並對於學術上的相關研究有所貢獻。


The current development of technology contributes to advanced and novel gadgets that renovate rapidly, apart from emphasizing on the functionality and practicality, the price, fashion, taste, differentiation and the speed of releasing new products also becoming the critical elements for evaluation form the public. As a result, a great competition of research and new product release among 3C industry has become the most important thing in order to grab the initiative opportunity in the market. Taiwan has always acted as one of the most important 3C technology industry within world supply chains, it offers R&D,ODM, EMS, Electronics Components Vendor, etc, and it almost covers the whole 3C industry supply chain. Well known industry leaders such as laptop ODM factory『QUANTA』, EMS factory『FOXCONN』, IC design factory『MediaTek』,wafer foundry factory『TSMC』,etc. Not only can we provide Taiwanese local electronic components producers in the supply chain, but also can we provide services to a broad range of OEM, ODM, OBM, EMS customers through “electronic components producers with foreign brand ”or “electronic components producers agents”. Nowadays 3C industry is immerged in an overwhelming competition, and both “electronic components producers with foreign brands ”and “electronic components producers agents” are vital as cost references. How to distinguish themselves out in such a competitive environment is a crutial issue for those electronic components producers agents. This research targets on “Quality of logistic relationship” and “Performance” of electronic components producers and agents, through building up of variable models, application of relative references, interview with the expertise in the industry, and finally, according to the above interview results and verification with relative references to prove that there is positive correlation between“Quality of logistic relationship” and “Performance”, meanwhile, both the“power of logistic”and “national cultural differences”shows that they are the principal operational variables influencing the performance of agents. I hope this research with the topic “Quality of Logistic Relationship and Sale Performance” will be a reference and contribution for both electronic components agents and the academic use.


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