  • 學位論文


A Maintenance Management System of Skybridge

指導教授 : 林利國


都市乃是以人為基本要素所構成,而步行又是人類最基本的移動方式,即使在交通發達的現代都市中,步行仍是民眾從事各種運輸活動中不可或缺的方式;故一個現代化都市之人行陸橋(Skybridge),必須能提供行人安全、舒適到達目的地的功能。故都市的人行陸橋設施是否完善並符合民眾需求,乃代表這一個都市開發與進步程度主要的關鍵指標之一。 本研究探討發現台灣之人行陸橋設施並不在交通部運研所擬定之橋樑評鑑範圍內,各地方主管機關亦沒有完善的維護管理制度,導致令人詬病的缺失不勝枚舉,使得原本應該提供給用路人安全步行的人行陸橋,因行人使用意願降低而直接穿越馬路,反而造成人車爭道之危險。而現今台灣地區之橋樑維護管理系統都是以車行公路橋樑為主所開發之作業系統,其檢測項目與介面與人行陸橋還是有些落差,故若要直接套用在人行陸橋,將導致空白及缺乏妥適性之欄位過多,甚至因此造成不專業的判斷,自然會導致後續人行陸橋的維修作業困難與經費編列浪費等缺失,故一套完善而符合實務需求之人行陸橋維護管理系統,對於現行沒有完善管理制度的台灣,確實是一項極有意義的研究課題。 本研究所建構的人行陸橋維護管理系統主要係透過下列四項程序來架構系統雛型: 一、透過國內外文獻之收集,了解橋樑管理系統之現況,並研擬可 作為本系統因子之項目。 二、現場調查台北市大安區、信義區、中正區、大同區及萬華區共 計52座之人行陸橋實際缺失後,將所有缺失數量、種類加以分 門別類,並經統計分析以作為系統檢測項目之建構依據。 三、分別探討現場檢測人員、人行陸橋主管機關與一般民眾等不同 角色對系統之需求,使系統之使用性更為人性化。 四、採用Access 2003結合ASP.NET及Flash逐步建構系統雛型。 五、系統雛型建構完成後,經由實際現場測試,並回饋修正系統之 缺失。 本研究所建構之人行陸橋維護管理系統可提供主管機關利用本系統進行人行陸橋現場檢測工作與即時查詢人行陸橋之基本與歷史資料,並可透過系統之即時影像功能隨時掌控每一座人行陸橋有關行人安全與設施維護作業之現況,或利用照片上傳與檢視功能來上傳和調閱歷史缺失照片;而民眾亦可利用本系統之民眾通報平台以最切身之感受來填報人行陸橋缺失,系統會自動將民眾所填寫之缺失紀錄表轉寄給管理單位,達到即時有效且落實全民督工之功能。本系統並可提供各人行陸橋的歷史資料查詢功能,包括基本資料、檢測資料、缺失照片及民眾通報紀錄等資料庫,主管機關藉由此等資料庫即可對人行陸橋維護作業之優先順序與經費編列等做更正確而有效的決策。


Walking is the basic human instinct to move from place to place, even in any traffic developed modern city walking is still indispensable. Skybridge is a facility that provides safe and comfort environment for pedestrians to move around city without worrying about the traffic. Up to today, the government does not have appropriately maintenance management system that caused problems with the safety, comfort and structure quality for most skybridges. It reduces the will of pedestrian to use the skybridges; instead they tend to across the road directly causing danger to vehicle and itself. The Taiwan Bridge Maintenance System is developed to apply to bridges for vehicles, which is completely different, unprofessional and also bring maintenance difficulty even waste of budget when applied to skybridges. For this reason, development of skybidge maintenance system is a significant and valuable research. The following are the five procedures to develop the system framework of the skybridge maintenance system: 1.To comprehend current bridge maintenance system and determine evaluation factors to this maintenance system. 2.Practice investigations for 52 skybridges in Taipei Daan, Xinyi, Zhongzheng, Datong and Wanhua districts were made to investigate the actual problems and defects of skybridges. 3.Make the system more humanize to meet the need of different users such as inspection engineers, government official and public. 4.Select Access 2003, ASP.NET and Flash to develop the system. 5.Practice demonstrations and feedback to adjust the maintenance system. The skybridge management system is provided for the investigation work. It can supply real images of any skybridge and immediate query to all the historical information, including basic information, investigation information, defect images and public reporting records. Investigators and citizens can login the system and immediately input any problems they found. The government officials can use this real-time image function to control the current status of safety and maintenance of the skybridges. Moreover, they can also use the historical information database to analyze maintenance decisions.


Visual Studio 2005 Starter Kits,2008。


