  • 學位論文


The Value Analysis on Automatic Platform Gates and Track Intrusion Detection System of MRT system

指導教授 : 林利國


台北捷運系統自1996年3月通車以來已成為目前紓解大台北都會區交通嚴重壅塞的良方,藉由各營運路線之間的串聯,減輕了大台北都會區壅塞的交通問題,亦成為台北地區民眾不可或缺的交通工具。然而台北捷運通車至今,發生多次人員侵入或物品掉落軌道事件,輕者造成班車延誤;重者造成生命財產上的損失,且隨著後續台北捷運路網的繼續擴充,再加上歷年來侵入台北捷運軌道事件有攀升之趨勢,使得社會各界強力要求台北捷運公司應仿照國外既有之捷運系統加設月台門之措施;此外,有別於月台門被動式防災之概念,台北捷運公司亦自行開發「月台區軌道侵入偵測預警系統」,期能有效且及時發現人員侵入軌道並即時處理,以降低對於捷運系統營運的衝擊。但此兩種防護措施的設計建造與後續營運維護尚未有成本及價值分析上的研究。 基於上述之研究動機,本研究探討設置月台門與佈設月台區軌道侵入偵測系統二種防護作法,藉由相關文獻回顧捷運安全防護系統及價值分析之基本理論,並蒐集台北捷運系統營運至今於月台與軌道間所發生之災害案例統計;再藉由工程生命週期成本之概念,剖析於月台區裝設此二種安全防護系統之規劃、建置、成本與效益。透過對兩系統之災害防制措施進行相關研究與價值分析後,得出兩系統設置與營運階段維護成本比較表,進而可得知此兩系統於未來十年之設置成本與營運維護成本之關係;研究成果顯示,台北捷運增設月台門與軌道侵入偵測預警兩套系統之拯救人命成本統計為4,378.5萬元,低於英國5,200萬之建議參考值,表示此一做法值得設置;此外,增設兩套系統後產生之年安全效益值為1,084.92萬元,其價值指數為0.248。


Taipei’s system has service metro rapid transportution (MRT) since March, 1996. It is an indispensable transportation and becomes the solution of the traffic jam in Taipei area. However, many incidents still happened such as personnel intrusion occasionally falling into the railway area, and etc., causing system delay and even damage losses of lives and properties. These accidents will increase along with the expanding development of the transport in network in the future, therefore the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC) tries to install automatic platform gates. Furthermore, TRTC also develops a track intrusion detection system to effectively detect personnel intrude the railway area. This study applies value analysis on automatic platform gates and track intrusion detection system of MRT system. The statistical data of disaster cases happened at the platform and railway since the operation of Taipei’s metro system was gathered and calculated the disaster cost to compare and analysis with the actual operation and maintenance cost of the metro system. This helps to understand the relationship between construction cost and maintenance cost of these two systems for the future ten years. The result of the value analysis is that the life-saved cost is 43.785 million NT dollars which is lower than the referred result, 52 million NT dollars. The safety benefit value is 10.8492 million dollars and the value index is 0.248.


