  • 學位論文


Influence of Tunnel Ventilation on Energy Consumption of Platform Screen Doors of the Mass Rapid Transit system.

指導教授 : 胡石政


捷運系統是解決都會區交通擁擠最有效的方法,世界上現代化都市皆已廣泛的採用。唯捷運系統也是一個極耗能的設施,其耗能又以捷運環控系統約佔總耗電的40%為最大。國際上許多都市的捷運系統,在寒冷地區大都是以機械通風,而在熱帶與亞熱帶地區則是以空調作為環境控制的主要手段;未來台北及高雄新的捷運環控系統將加裝密封式月台屏門,將軌道區與候車區作密封式隔離,雖然可以降低空調糸統初設及運轉成本,但對隧道卻少了月台候車區的空調冷卻效果,因此需增加隧道機械通風來散熱。 本研究針對熱帶性地區地下捷運月台屏門系統來做之耗能及節能潛力分析,所採用的模擬程式為地下鐵環控模擬程式(Subway Environmental Simulation, SES),輸入參數以台北某地下捷運之幾何形狀及運轉條件為主,結果發現當發車班距為120秒/班時,即使月台下方排氣量為50cms時,仍必須使用空調設備冷卻才能達到隧道設計溫度之標準,若能提高隧道溫度之設計標準從37℃提高至41℃,將可節省28.2 kW /℃用電耗能,如再將隧道溫度之標準提高至41℃以上,則節能效果可能不佳。而在UPE的控制上能採用變頻控制,風量分別為30cms,40cms及50cms時,則其年度耗能則僅為現階段全載運轉的30%,22%及17%。


捷運 月台門 節能 通風


This study analyses the energy consumption and assesses the potential of energy saving on the environment control system of a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system that with platform door under tropical Climate by a subway simulation program named Subway Environmental Simulation (SES). The operational conditions and geometrical parameters of the tropical Taipei city was selected as input data. Results show that for a case of headway of 120 second, additional cooling capacity from air-conditioning system should be provided to keep the tunnel temperature under upper limit i.e 37 ℃,. even though the airflow rate of Under Platform Unit (UPE) is 50 m3/s. Increasing the upper limit temperature of tunnels from 37 ℃ to 41 ℃ results in operating electricity saving of average 28.2 kW /℃. Further increase of tunnel temperature (more than 41 ℃) has no significant benefit on energy saving. With variable frequency control for UPE fan’s flow rate of 30 cms, 40 cms and 50 cms reveals 30%, 22 % and 17 % of the annual power consumption respectively, relative to the that without variable frequency control.


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