  • 學位論文


Design of Three Dimensional Magnetic Sensor for terrestrial magnetism

指導教授 : 宋國明
共同指導教授 : 吳昭正(Chao-Cheng Wu)


本論文旨在設計與製作地磁感測用三軸磁場感測晶片,並利用讀出電路將三軸磁場感測晶片所感測出來的電壓值放大後讀出。本論文的重點在於能夠利用三軸磁場感測晶片偵測地磁的磁場變化,同時將整體電路微小化,藉此降低感測元件體積及有效降低生產成本。 本論文所提出的三軸磁場架構係由一顆Z軸磁場感測元件與XY軸磁場感測元件所組成,在經由讀出電路做一次放大及低通濾波器做濾波之後,由差值放大器做最後的放大,所量測到的電壓範圍從1mV到5mV之間,量測磁場範圍從1高斯到40高斯之間,解析度為9 V⁄AT 到 19 V⁄AT。


The aim of this research is to design Three-Dimensional Magnetic Sensor, and uses the readout circuit to amplify sensor’s output voltage. The purpose of this paper is uses Three-Dimensional Magnetic Sensor to sense terrestrial magnetism. While integrate all circuit in one chip, reducing the Sensor volume and production cost. In this paper we present Three-Dimensional Magnetic Sensor consist of one Z-axis magnetic sensor and one XY-axis magnetic sensor, then use readout circuit and low pass filter to amplify and filter, finally the instrument amplifier output the voltage result. The measure result Sensor output voltage range is from 1 mV to 5 mV, and magnetic field range is from 0 Guess to 40 Guess, sensitivity is 9 V⁄AT to 19 V⁄AT.


Magnetic Sensor Hall Sensor Hall effect


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