

本研究旨在瞭解高職商業管理群教師對課程統整之看法,並以該群專業核心能力為取向尋求高職商管群校訂課程開設之專業科目名稱、必選修、學分數,並探討不同個人背景與學校背景之商管群專業教師對課程統整看法之差異情形,和對商群課程統整的困境與期望。 本研究以九十三學年度我國高職商管群之專業類教師為母群體,依學校類型、學校性質進行分層叢集取樣,共選取50所學校;每所學校10人,共計抽樣500人,於民國九十三年十月三十一日寄發,迄十一月二十三日止,回收問卷共計368份,回收率達73.6%。剔除無效問卷後(其中包括填答不全9份與空白問卷4份),有效問卷共計355份,有效回收率達71%。調查所得之資料以卡方檢定、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、事後考驗Scheff’e法等進行統計分析。 綜合本研究之研究發現,結論如下: 一、高職商管群校訂課程應開設之專業科目必修有11科,合計27學分;選修有1科合計2學分。 二、商管群教師對課程的統整均抱持正面之看法。 三、商管群教師對專業課程統整的看法不因性別、最高學歷、任教高職年資、擔任職務、主要授課科目及進修研習而有所差異。 四、商管群教師對專業課程統整的看法不因學校屬性、學校地區、學校類型、學校商業類規模而有所差異。 五、商管群教師對專業課程統整可能的困境來源,以專業科目之「授課時數」被壓縮為主。 六、商管群教師對專業課程統整的期望,則是以「加強行政宣導」為多數教師之主要考量。


The aim of this study was to investigate the teachers’opinions relate to vocational high schools curriculum integration in business and management cluster in Taiwan, what professional courses should be open, compulsory courses, optional courses, and credits. This study also discusses the different points of view of the curriculum integration, their expectations and problems they encounter according to their various personal backgrounds and school environments. The population was teachers of the business vocational public and private comprehensive schools in Taiwan; Stratified Cluster Sampling was employed to select 50 schools on the basis of school characters and location. In each school, 10 teachers who were teaching in were chosen. The total sample was 500 people. The questionnaire was mailed out on October 31, 2004, and by November 23, 2004, 368 copies of returned questionnaires made a total return rate of 73.6%. After ticking out invalid questionnaires, 355 valid questionnaires yielded an availability rate of 71%. χ2 test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheff’e method were adopted to analyze the data collected. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The business vocational high schools should have 11 subject of compulsory course, total 27 credits; 1 subject of optional course, total 2 credits. 2. The teachers all take a positive attitude toward curriculum integration in business vocational high schools. 3. Teachers view on the integration of professional curriculum does not differ because of their gender, highest diploma, seniority, position, main subjects, or advanced studies. 4. Teachers view on the integration of professional curriculum does not differ because of attributes, areas, types or sizes of schools. 5. The main cause of difficulties teachers meet with is the compression of teaching hours. 6. Most teachers expectations of the integration of professional curriculum is the strengthening of administrative advertisement and instruction.


紀的教育展望」學術研討會。 游家政(民87),建構主義取向課程設計的評析。課程與教學季刊,1(3),
93-102。 葉興華(民89),我國國小推行課程統整之研究。國立台灣師範大學教育研究所


