  • 學位論文


The Influence of Service Marketing Mix for Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction of Counter Staff

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


本研究以服務行銷組合對於工作情緒與滿意度的影響研究,藉由專櫃服務人員的實際案例來探討,針對服務行銷組合的分析,研究服務行銷組合對專櫃服務人員的工作情緒與滿意度之間有何相關連,來作進一步探討。首先是緒論,包含研究背景、動機、目的、範圍與限制,清楚的界定問題以及緣起;再來文獻探討,除整理與本研究相關之學者見解外,針對研究的對象也就是百貨專櫃服務人員,以及服務行銷組合與所屬的通路做說明與介紹。 接著進入研究的推理假設以及問卷設計,其後經由小型的前測做問卷修正後,正式發送,問卷回收後進行統計與分析使用統計軟體SPSS12以及LESREL8.72作為分析工具,利用結構方程式找出相互關聯,最後提出本研究之結論與建議。本研究的問卷發放對象以目前在百貨專櫃設立正式櫃點之專櫃服務人員,發放點為新光三越百貨、SOGO百貨以及各大區域性百貨公司與購物商場等。共發放245份,回收222份,有效樣本為221份。 主要研究發現,專櫃服務人員「個人屬性」、「人格特質」對「情緒」具有正相關;「服務行銷組合」對專櫃服務人員的「工作滿意度」具有正相關;「個人屬性」跟「服務行銷組合」與專櫃服務人員的「情緒」跟「工作滿意度」間正相關連。最後,藉由研究結果再訪談業界前輩後而提出建言,以供本研究實際案例與同業之管理者做為參考,提高專櫃服務人員在工作上的行為表現,以創造更好的業績與營收。


This study real examples of counter staff at the department stores and analyzes the service marketing mix to reach the goal of understand the connection between the components and counter staff’s emotional labor load and job satisfaction. First, the part of preface includes research background, motif, objective; category and limitation, which all clearly define what questions are and the launching of the research. Secondly, in the literature study, apart from rearrange academics’ opinions, the objects of counter sales representatives, service marketing mix and the selling path are explained. The formal experiment is started after having made several adjustments form the pre-test. SPSS12 and LESREL8.72 are used to analyze and compile statistic data. Structural equation modeling is also utilized to explore the connection between variables. Finally, conclusion and suggestions are proposed. The questionnaires are given to the counter sales representatives of the department stores of SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI, SOGO and the regional big department stores and markets. 245 questionnaires are given; 222 are retrieved and 221 are validity. The result shows that counter staff representatives’ personal attribute and characteristic has positive relation to emotion. service marketing mix is related to job satisfactory directly. Personal attribute and service marketing mix is rightly related to representatives’ emotional labor load and job satisfactory. After having interviewed with the seniors representatives, suggestions are provided for the managers’ reference to improve representatives’ work as well as to create a better performance and revenue.


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