  • 學位論文


Treatment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Cooking Oil Fume by Particulate Filter with Microwave system

指導教授 : 林文印


濾煙器為處理柴油引擎排放廢氣之後處理設備,但在烹飪油煙上迄無應用實例。本研究將蜂巢式陶瓷觸媒濾煙器安裝於微波爐中進行試驗,且微波具有較高之能源使用效率及較高穿透性,以探討濾煙器及微波功率對烹飪油煙之影響。 首先以市售大豆沙拉油為加熱油品,探討油煙之質量濃度及PAHs濃度。結果顯示,油溫200℃、240℃及280℃的質量濃度分別為0.036±0.004 g/m3、0.682±0.025 g/m3及5.88±0.076 g/m3;油煙粒徑質量濃度主要集中在小於0.52 μm的粒徑;其中以油溫280℃的PAHs濃度最高,油溫240℃次之,油溫200℃最低。 濾煙器可有效降低油煙,其去除效率在87.9%以上。當油溫越高,油煙各粒徑微粒之質量濃度增加,導致去除效率降低,且對固相PAHs有較佳的去除效率。 針對油溫280℃產生之油煙,使用不同微波功率(280W、330W及410W)對油煙之去除效率為75.5~77.8%;在油煙質量粒徑方面,隨著微波功率增加,其去除效率並無顯著差異;在油煙PAHs濃度方面,總PAHs濃度之去除效率,隨著微波功率的增加,其差異並不大,分為40.2%、40.8%及42%。


Although particulate filters have been employed for the collection of soot from diesel exhaust, there is no such an application to cooking oil fume (COF). Because of microwave’s high energy utilization and strong penetration ability, a catalyzed wall-flow particulate filter was fit to microwave oven in order to investigate the effect on COF of particulate filter and microwave power. The first part of this study focuses on investigation of the commercial soybean oil was investigated for its mass concentrations and PAHs concentrations in different oil temperature including 200℃, 240℃ and 280℃. The mass concentrations of three oil temperature were 0.036±0.004, 0.682±0.025 and 5.88±0.076 g/m3, respectively. The particle sizes of oil fume ranged predominately smaller than 0.52 μm. When oil temperature were 200℃, 240℃ and 280℃, the PAHs concentrations were 128.95 ng/m3, 460.79 ng/m3 and 3900.7 ng/m3, respectively. The results also showed that more than 87.9% of oil fume was removed by particulate filter. With higher oil temperature, removal efficiency of particle size distributions in oil fume was decreased. That’s because there were much oil fume produced at higher oil temperature. The removal efficiency in particle-phase PAHs got greater than gas-phase PAHs. When oil temperature was 280℃ under different microwave power (280W, 330W and 410W), removal efficiency was from 75.5% to 77.8%. The average removal efficiency of particle size distributions in oil fumes was similar under different microwave power. The removal efficiency of total-PAHs in 280W, 330W and 410W were 40.2%, 40.8% and 42%, respectively.


Cooking Oil Fume PAHs Microwave


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