  • 學位論文


The Study of Operation and Supervision Management on Inter-County/City for the case of Taoyuan International Airport Mass Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 林利國


公共工程為國家建設的基石,經濟發展的根本,近年來重大工程建設如台北捷運系統、北宜高速公路、高速鐵路等相繼完工通車後,也引起社會大眾強烈的重視與關切;有鑑於各先進國家均運用軌道運輸系統作為改善國際機場聯外交通,對我國已營運二十九年的臺灣桃園國際機場而言,具有相當啟發效果。在台灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統採民間推動方式遭遇瓶頸後,改由政府興建條件下營運與監督管理機制,將扮演此一捷運系統永續經營的重要角色。 本研究首先對於台灣桃園國際機場使用者特性與機場聯外軌道系統功能分類及軌道運輸營運管理組織等文獻作一回顧,再剖析國外國際機場聯外軌道系統特性型態與案例,並探討我國國際機場聯外捷運系統營運計畫,進而構建出台灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統的營運管理方法並研擬監督管理之基礎架構。在衡酌營運組織型態與軌道經營監督機制後,由專家訪談問卷調查篩選出營運監督模式,且充分考量各個層面因素與客觀探討分析出理想之管理方法,並評析出未來營運機構經營台灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統最佳營運監督管理架構。而本研究成果除可供政府部門參考外,基於軌道系統介面之複雜特性,建議政府後續執行作業應儘早決定營運機構方為當務之急。換言之,儘早透過監督管理機制來彌補未來營運風險,以確保提昇營運服務品質,將可有助於政府機關及營運單位注入管理觀念與監督機制的建立,迎向更安全、更舒適與更快捷的服務品質。


營運 監督 管理機制 調查統計法


Given that public construction is the cornerstone of national construction and the foundation of economic development in each nation, the successive completion and commissioning of major construction projects in recent years, such as Taipei MRT System, Taipei-Ilan Expressway and Taiwan High Speed Rail, has raised great attention and concern among the public in Taiwan. Many advanced countries have improved their international airport access transportation by means of rail transportation systems, which has had an inspiring effect on Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, which has been in operation for 29 years. Seeing that the government has decided to build Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System directly through the government budget after the original BOT project was dropped out, the operation and supervision management mechanism will play an important role in the sustainable operation of the MRT System. This paper reviews documents on the user characteristics of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the functional classification of its access MRT system and the management organization of rail transportation operations, analyzes the characteristic models and cases of foreign international airport access rail systems, and probes into the operation plan of the international airport access MRT system of Taiwan country so as to establish an operation management approach and formulate the basic structure of supervision management for Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System. In consideration of operation organization models, rail operation and supervision mechanisms, this paper screens the operation and supervision models suggested from expert interviews and questionnaire surveys. Through objective analysis with full consideration of factors of all aspects, this paper selects the ideal management approach and the best operation and supervision management mechanism for the prospective operation organization of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System. Results of this study can serve as reference for the government departments. Due to the complexity of the rail system interfaces and for the smoothness of follow-up implement operations, it is advisable for the government to decide the operation organization of the Airport Access MRT System as soon as possible. In other words, it is advisable to reduce future operational risks as soon as possible through an early supervision management mechanism in order to ensure the enhancement of operation and service quality. Early selection of the operation organization will also help the government departments and operation units implant management concepts and establish an operation and supervision management mechanism at an early stage so as to provide a safer, faster and more comfortable service for passengers of the Airport Access MRT System.


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