  • 學位論文


The Bikeway of Life and Commute in an Urban Area - A Case Study on the Bikeway of Banciao City

指導教授 : 宋立垚


自行車是都市道路的綠色交通工具,完善的都市生活通勤型自行車道環境配合綠色交通路網的整合規劃,將可滿足民眾使用自行車於生活通勤需求,並達到節能減碳目標與促進都市永續發展。然而台灣都市道路規劃因汽機車車輛需求考量發展下,壓迫自行車道空間進而造成交通安全問題,實有檢討之必要。因此本研究將生活通勤型自行車道相關文獻彙整,進而歸納分析之間的關係,並選定台北縣第一條都市中生活通勤型自行車道的「板橋市自行車道」調查分析,以探究現況生活通勤型自行車道設置於都市中所產生之課題與對策,並探討都市永續與綠色交通發展下,生活通勤型自行車道所扮演的角色與未來的發展。   本研究發現如下:(1)自行車道應該要完整的法令規範與保護使用者,政府要尊重自行車在都市道路的路權,以及強力執行;(2)上位計畫與都市計畫應要對自行車道規劃設計上指導與規範要有完整的考量,才會落實到相關計畫與實質面規劃設計之規範與指導;(3)管理與維護上應該要建立健全永續的管理機制以及強化執行態度;(4)自行車道的規劃設計考量現有道路環境條件與結合大眾運輸系統;(5)自行車道環境要滿足民眾使用需求、安全以及建立民眾良好的使用道德觀念。對政府相關單位建議:(1)法令與規範應保障自行車使用者安全騎乘的環境;(2)將生活通勤型自行車道視為環境與都市發展的層級,擬定自行車道內容規範與指導;(3)政策與計畫上應從綠色交通發展來考量自行車道的發展;(4)管理與維護上應朝向公平交通環境去思考營造自行車道環境;(5)自行車道的規劃設計需考量現況道路環境且要對自行車轉乘大眾運輸系統有幫助。


The bike is the green transport on the street in an urban area, proper planning and combination of the bikeway of life and commute in an urban area and the green transport together will satisfy the requirement of people using bike on life and commute, and accomplish the objective of energy efficiency and carbon reduction and sustainable development. Due to the priority of car and motorcycle in the street plan of Taiwan, the space of bikeway on the street is limited and the problem of safety is serious. Therefore, the problem must be solved. In this study I reviewed the literature to investigate and analyze the problem and propose the countermeasure for the current situation of the bikeway of life and commute in an urban area, selecting the bikeway of Banciao City, which is the first bikeway of life and commute in Taipei County , as a case. In addition, the roles the bikeway of life and commute played in an urban area for the objective of green transport and sustainable development are proposed. Important discoveries in this study are as follows: 1. The ordinance of the bikeway should be perfectly made to protect the bike users, and the right of bikeway on the street must be respected. 2. Urban planning should have complete guidances and regulations about the planning and design of bikeway. 3. A perfect and long-term system should be established for the management and maintenance of the bikeway. 4. The bikeway planning and design should consider the condition of the current situation of the street and combine the public transportation system. 5. The bikeway must meet the requirement and safety for the people , and favorable notion should be followed by the users. Suggestions to government: 1. The ordinance and regulation for the bikeway should be made to provide the bike users a safe environment. 2. The government must consider the development of environment for the bikeway of life and commute in the urban, and formulate the guidance and regulation. 3. The policy and planning for the bikeway development must be considered from the viewpoint of green transportation. 4. The management and maintenance of the bikeway environment should be considered from the viewpoint of fair bike right of way of traffic. 5. The condition of the current situation must be considered before planning and designing of the bikeway. In addition, the way connecting the bikeway to the public transportation system should be helpful and be considered.


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