  • 學位論文


A Study on Learning Self-Efficacy and Its Sources of Technical Arts Programs Students in Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究旨在探討新竹縣技藝教育學程學生學習自我效能,了解其學習自我效能的主要訊息來源,並分析這兩者之間的相關性。本研究利用問卷調查法,依學校區位為依據,採用分層比例抽樣方式,其有效樣本計有1,016位新竹縣技藝教育學程學生。資料以集中量數、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析、t檢定與單因子變異數分析等進行統計分析,獲得以下結論: 一、新竹縣技藝教育學程學生學習自我效能達中等以上至良好的程度。 二、新竹縣技藝教育學生的學習自我效能訊息來源中,以「言語的說服」構面影響最大,其次為「成就的經驗」、「替代的經驗」、「生理的狀態」,但皆未達「大」的程度。 三、新竹縣技藝教育學程學生的四個學習自我效能訊息來源與學習自我效能有正相關,且以其「成就的經驗」最具預測力。 四、新竹縣技藝教育學程學生的學業成績佳與中等者,其學習自我效能比學業成績不佳者高。 五、學業成績佳的新竹縣技藝教育學程學生受「生理的狀態」的影響大於學業成績不佳的學生;一般學校的新竹縣技藝教育學程學生受「言語說服」與「生理狀態」的影響大於偏遠學校的學生。


This research applied Bandura’s Self-efficacy Theory to examine learning self-efficacy and its sources for Technical Arts Programs Students. This research conducted a surevey by using a self-developed questionnaire of “Learning Self-efficacy of Technical Arts Programs Students” as an instrument. One thousand and sixteen valid questionnaires were collected from Technical Arts Programs Students in Hsinchu County. Data were analyzed by statistics methods, including measures of central location, measures of variation, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. After dada analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The students’ overall learning self-efficacy is above medium level. 2. Among the four sources of learning self-efficacy, verbal persuasion is the most influential, and then in order are performance experience, vicarious experience, and physiological state. 3. The four sources of learning self-efficacy could be used to predict the degree of students’ learning self-efficacy. Moreover, students’ performance experience is the most powerful predictor. 4. Students whose academic performances are good and medium have higher learning self-efficacy than those whose academic performances are bad. 5. Students whose academic performances are better would be affected more by their physiological states than students whose academic performances are worse. Besides, students in urban schools would be affected more by verbal persuasion and physiological states than students in remote schools.


蘇鈺婷(2002)。在學青少年生涯發展之相關因素研究。 國立成功大學教育研究所碩士論文。
