  • 學位論文


By Value chain perspective and knowledge management system to enhance the competitiveness of demestic industrial computer company—Company A, for example

指導教授 : 曲立全


本研究針對工業電腦產業,以企業內部價值鏈觀點分析個案公司研發流的主要活動與支援活動之間的鏈結關係,探討其研發流程價值鏈的相關缺失與研發績效的影響與關聯性,並運用知識管理的系統與方法,來探討如何改善研發流程價值鏈及運用知識管理來提升企業競爭力。 本研究採用個案研究法,以研碩電腦為研究對象。研碩電腦公司成立短,資本額小,是台灣典型的中小型IPC公司,本研究期望能夠藉由實例分析台灣中小型IPC設計公司如何以價值鏈觀點並搭配知識管理系統將公司的整體價值鏈活動做到最有效率以及最低成本,如此才能取得最高的競爭力,以此作為相關中小型IPC設計公司對於其競爭優勢的參考。 本研究歸納分析研究發現如下; 【研究發現1】模組化設計可有效縮短產品客製化研發的開發時程績效 【研究發現2】模組化設計的零件共用性程度會影響開發時程績效 【研究發現3】知識管理會影響企業價值鏈活動上的開發時程績效 【研究發現4】知識管理可提升研發人員的專業能力 關鍵詞:工業電腦、模組化、MBDS (Modular Board Design Services)、價值鏈、知識管理


This research has focused on aspect of Enterprise Value Chain (EVC) in the Industry of IPC, by analyzing the relationship among the major activities and assisted activities within the R&D process to explore the influence and connection between the deficiencies in Value Chain and the R&D performance, and by enabling adoption of insights and experiences of Knowledge Management to promote the core enterprise competitiveness on Value Chain improvement of the R&D process. This research utilized case study method, using Advansus Corp. as an example to exhibit a typical small and medium-sized company of IPC in Taiwan. Through case analysis, it is expected to analyze how the medium size company of IPC in Taiwan efficiently to cost-effectively execute integrative value chain activities and gain the highest competitiveness. The study results may serve as a reference on competitive advantage for medium-sized design house of IPC. The research findings are listed as follows: 1. Modular design may effectively shorten the customized product development time. 2. The component commonness of modular design may affect the performance of scheduled development. 3. Knowledge management may affect the performance of scheduled development on EVC. 4. Knowledge management can improve R&D’s professional competence Keywords:Industrial PC、Modularity、MBDS (Modular Board Design Services)、Value Chain、Knowledge management


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