  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Effects of Hospital Waste Generation -SH Hospitals

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究所採用之統計方法、包括描述性統計、皮爾森相關積差統計以及多變項逐步回歸模式,分析包括醫院規模如病床數、醫師人數、護理人數等因子,以及醫院服務量如門診人數、住診人數、急診人數等產出因子,分析各項因子對於SH醫院醫療廢棄物總量、一般性廢棄物以及感染性廢棄物之影響,以建立SH醫院之各項廢棄物產出量預估模式。研究結果發現,SH醫院自成立每年不論是醫院規模如病床數、醫師數、護理人數均有顯著之逐年成長而其醫療服務量亦逐年明顯成長,然而其醫療廢棄物總量、一般性事業廢棄物、感染性廢棄物亦每年呈20%-30%不等成長,經皮爾森積差檢定各項產出確實與廢棄物量產出有關,驗證產出因子模式亦適用於醫療服務業,另運用多變項逐步回歸分析建立影響醫療廢棄物總量、一般性事業廢棄物及感染性廢棄物之主要因子預測模式,此研究發現: 1.醫療廢棄物總量:結果發現主要影響醫療廢棄物之因子為佔床率、護理人數、住院人數,其中整體模式解釋力可達96.4%,並從回歸模式可以顯示出當護理人數及住院人數越高,醫院之廢棄物總量亦相對越高,但當佔床率越高時,醫療廢棄物總量則會越低,預測方程式: y(醫療廢棄物總量)=-13610.80-457.55x1(佔床率)+ 82.34x2(護理人數)+0.69x3(住院人數) 2.一般性事業廢棄物:影響一般性事業廢棄物總量之主要因子為住院人數,其中模式解釋力可達94.2%,亦即代表當醫院住院人數越多時,一般性廢棄物總量則會越高,預測方程式: y(一般性事業廢棄物總量)=-4760.86 + 4.18x1(住院人數) 3.感染性廢棄物:結果發現影響感染性廢棄物總量之主要因子為住院人數、佔床率、護理人數及開刀人數,其中整體模式解釋力可達97%,而且從迴歸模式可以顯示出當住院人數、護理人數及開刀人數越高,醫院之感染性廢棄物總量相對越高,但當佔床率越高時,感染性廢棄物總量則會越低,故本研究之感染性廢棄物總量預測方程式如下: y(感染性廢棄物總量)=-257.71 - 156.35x1(佔床率)+ 0.69x2(住院人數)+19.67x3(護理人數)+2.64x4(開刀人數) 另由於SH醫院在服務量及規模均高於同層級之醫療院所,其在醫療廢棄物之產製量亦高於同層級之醫療院所,分析結果發現不論是醫療廢棄物總量、一般性事業廢棄物、感染性廢棄物均與住院活動有關,因此建議SH醫院應從住院活動中去持恆檢討改進措施,包括落實護理人員分類訓練、建立各病房之廢棄物產出監測、落實稽核制度與評比、輔導地下美食街廢棄物之獨立處理、更落實衛生署(環保署)之廢棄物處理政策等來加強改善。


We analyze the scale of the SH hospital including number of Beds, doctors, nurses etc. and the volume of services such as outpatient visits, inpatients, emergency numbers by statistical methods. We also analyze how the factors above influence the total amount of medical waste, general waste and the infectious waste in SH hospital, in order to establish the prediction model of the production of wastes. According to the study result, the number of beds, doctors, nurses grows up dramatically every year. So does the volume of medical services. However the total amount of medical waste, general waste and the infectious waste also increase 20%-30% per year. We found there is a relation between output factors and the amount of waste, and proved the output factors model was suitable to medical service industry. Besides, we use the multivariate stepwise regression model to setup the main factors of prediction model of the total amount of medical waste, general waste and the infectious waste. The results are as follows: 1.The total amount of medical waste: the result shows the main effect of medical waste are occupancy rate, the number of nurses and inpatients and the explanatory power can reach 96.4%. Prediction function: y(total amount of medical waste)=-13610.80-457.55x1(occupancy rate)+ 82.34x2(nurses)+0.69x3(inpatients) 2.General industrial waste: the result shows the main effect of general industrial waste is the number of inpatients and the explanatory power can reach 94.2%. Prediction function: y(the total amount of general industrial waste)=-4760.86 + 4.18x1(inpatients) 3.Infectious waste: the result shows the main effect of the total amount of infectious waste are the number of inpatients, the occupancy rate, the number of nurses and surgery and the explanatory power can reach 97%. Prediction function: y(the total amount of infectious waste)=-257.71 - 156.35x1(occupancy rate)+ 0.69x2(inpatients)+ 19.67x3(nurses)+2.64(Number surgery) Study suggests: as a results of the volume of services, scales and the total amount of medical waste are higher than other hospitals within the same level. The results found that regardless of the total medical waste, general industrial waste, and infectious waste are related to hospital activities. Therefore, the SH hospital should do some improvements, including implementation nursing personnel classification training, monitoring waste outputs of ward, implementation audit system and competition, counseling the food court waste. Finally we must follow the policy of the Environment Protection Department (EPD) to reduce the amount of waste in hospital .


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24.行政院環保署: 台灣地區醫療廢棄物法規與管理概況, http://wmepagovtw/medicalwaste/Contents/M01htm#M0106,2013。
