  • 學位論文


The Influence of Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience on Advertising Effect-Number of members and Proportion of online members in Social community

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


企業在網路社群經營品牌的趨勢正盛,而品牌社群對品牌支持者與消費者而言是一個能夠分享品牌資訊及交流產品經驗的社交平台,也能產生口碑傳遞的效果,儼然成為企業經營的重點方針。因此本研究欲探討在社群網站上會員參與人數並分享資訊的類型對品牌所產生的廣告效果。研究一透過文獻探討定義出在無互動社交情況下的使用者資訊相似程度,並加入會員參與(人數與在線比例)作為干擾變數,以確認單純虛擬在場產品經驗的類型。接著,研究二以無互動社交環境下會員有無展示產品經驗之區別,結合會員參與程度做出不同的組合比較,探究影響消費者產生的廣告效果高低。 研究一的研究結果顯示,在其他會員參與人數多且在線上比例高時,會員以模糊、相似方式顯示個人資訊並提供商品資訊所形成的單純虛擬在場產品經驗(MVPE)會產生較佳的廣告效果。而將此結果延伸於研究二應用,結果顯示在其他會員人數多及在線比例高時,具有產品資訊提供的模糊單純虛擬在場產品經驗(MVPE)較優於僅僅模糊呈現個人資訊的單純虛擬在場(MVP),有較佳的廣告效果。


Managing company’s brand on internet social community is now a happening trend, in other side, brand community is also a sharing platform to brand clients and customer. We developed different performed types of products experience and quantity of members attended by sharing brand information in community. Research 1 is developed the similarity of other members in non-socialized interact in community, and concerned the quantity of members attended to accurate which type of member has the most significant behavior. Then, Research 2 is developed the different of product information on other members with diversity quantity of members attended in non-socialized interact in community for observed which type of member has the most significant behavior. Result shows that: Research 1, consumers belong to ambiguous MVPE / similar MVPE in high quantity of members and high proportion of online members has the most effect of advertising. Then, in Research 2, the consumers who belong to ambiguous MVPE have a better advertising effect than ambiguous MVP.


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