  • 學位論文


The Influence of Web Virtual Experiences Mix on Ad Effectiveness

指導教授 : 耿慶瑞


今日的新消費者,著重消費時各個環節的體驗,故今日的銷售行為,該著重「經驗導向」的行銷模式,滿足新一代消費者在整個決策過程的體驗需求,才是廠商獲得消費者青睞的根本之道。近年來網際網路的使用,已經成為現代人日常生活中不可或缺的活動。面對網站中所提供之眾多超連結及資訊,網路使用者傾向點選或瀏覽自己有興趣的議題,若其點選進去後,內容無法滿足其需求,就會即刻停止瀏覽,這種情況於瀏覽網路廣告時,尤其容易發生;因此廣告主若能設計滿足網路使用者經驗需求之網路廣告,將可更有效地提升廣告效果。 本研究將分為兩階段進行;首先接續先前有關經驗類型的理論,以因素分析的實證方式,將網路經驗分類為「視覺吸引經驗」、「娛樂經驗」、「教育經驗」、「身歷其境經驗」以及「社群互動經驗」,其中身歷其境經驗又與過去學者所提虛擬經驗之定義近似。Daugherty等學者的虛擬經驗研究中發現,受測者若暴露於虛擬經驗優先於直接或間接經驗的順序組合下,消費者學習效果會較佳,故本研究第二階段試圖將虛擬經驗與其他網路經驗搭配,採實驗設計方式,並以目標導向瀏覽者為實驗對象,探討提供虛擬經驗與其他網路經驗搭配的商品廣告,對廣告效果之影響為何;並進一步以迴歸分析,找出各網路經驗對廣告效果之重要性。 實驗結果顯示:(1)若網路廣告能提供虛擬經驗,消費者對廣告態度及品牌之態度轉變效果,皆會顯著優於傳統網路廣告;(2)若目標導向消費者所感受到之網路經驗越豐富,則對廣告態度、品牌態度轉變、購買意圖會有顯著之正向影響;(3)視覺吸引、娛樂、教育及虛擬經驗皆會對目標導向消費者之廣告態度與購買意圖有正向影響,娛樂、教育及虛擬經驗則會對品牌態度轉變有正向影響。


Nowadays, new consumers put emphasis on the whole process they are experiencing and have experienced; as a result, firms should focus on experience-oriented marketing to satisfy demands of new consumers to experiences. In recent years, using the Internet has become an indispensable activity to modern consumers. While facing a mass of hyperlinks and messages included in websites, the Internet users tend to click or browse issues that they are interested in. However, if the content couldn’t attract their attention, they may stop browsing immediately, especially when they expose to web ads. Therefore, if advertisers could design web ads that fit demands of the Internet users to experiences, they will more effectively increase the ad effectiveness. This study will be divided into two stages. First, follow the previous theory about types of experiences, we classify web experiences into “visual appeal”, “entertaining”, “educational”, “verisimilar” and “community interaction” experiences on the basis of factor analysis; besides, the definition of verisimilar experience is pretty close to virtual experience presented as the concept of the literatures. Second, according to the research of virtual experience by Li et al., subjects exposed to virtual experience preceding both direct and indirect experience are more effective at consumer learning; therefore, the second stage tends to mix virtual with other web experiences to discuss the influence of web virtual experiences mix on ad effectiveness and further use linear regression to analyze importance of every web experience on ad effectiveness. Results show that: (1)Consumers expose to the web ad which provides virtual experience is more significantly effective in influencing attitude to ad and positive change of attitude toward the brand. (2)The richer consumers with goal-oriented behavior experienced from the web ad, the more effectively the web ad influencing attitude toward ad, positive change of attitude toward the brand and purchase intention. (3)Visual appeal, entertaining, educational and virtual experiences will influence consumers with goal-oriented behavior on attitude toward ad and purchase intention. Moreover, entertaining, educational and virtual experiences put a positive impact on positive change of attitude toward the brand.


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