  • 學位論文


The study of the management and maintenance plan of Condominium Common Part of the Property

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


公寓大廈為區分所有,為加強管理維護、確保生活品質及實現自治管理,供共同使用之共用部分則以公寓大廈管理條例等法令規定及規約共同規範之。然目前諸多公寓大廈住戶之間對於共用部分之管理維護未有共識而紛爭不斷;又隨著屋齡增加,建築物外牆髒污、磁磚破損、管線雜亂及違章叢生,甚而有大規模粉刷剝落或鋼筋外露等公共安全問題。顯見現行公寓大廈共用部分之管理維護制度並不完善且未符合永續發展觀念,以整建維護恢復機能,達到提升居住品質及延長建築物生命週期之目的。 本研究以文獻回顧及深度訪談方法先彙整現行公寓大廈管理相關法令及國外案例等,檢討我國對於共用部分之管理維護僅規定責任歸屬與經費來源。另臺北市為推動整建維護,主要以經費補助鼓勵公寓大廈參與;但自民國95年至102年4月止,經費補助申請案僅196件,通過資格審查且事業計畫經核定者僅17案,完工更只有10案。除突顯目前整建維護制度及補助政策之不足外,更指出依現行公寓大廈管理相關法令,並未要求各公寓大廈依實際所需訂立管理維護計畫,導致公寓大廈管理維護意識薄弱、不重視長期修繕及預為儲蓄公共基金之觀念。續探討訂定共用部分管理維護計畫之重要性並及建立其計畫之架構。最後,建議應修正公寓大廈管理條例,由起造人於取得使用執照前擬訂管理維護計畫草案,並經區分所有權人會議決議成為規約,而共用部分管理維護計畫中應記載執行項目、方式、週期、經費來源與籌措。期許強化公寓大廈管理維護意識,以提升居住品質及延長生命週期。


To strengthen the management and maintenance to improve the living quality and self-management achievement, the Common Part of the Property is restricted by Condominium Building Management Act and Covenant which meeting resolution made by unit owners. But since 1995 Condominium Building Management Act promulgated, many apartment buildings deteriorate over time, wall dirty, broken tiles, pipes messy and illegal construction, and even ignore the large flake or steel exposed to the earthquake. Inhabitant always mutual disputes continue to manage and maintain. Obviously, Common Part of the Property management and maintenance of Condominium Building Management Act and Covenant. In addition, the lack of management and maintenance plan, and on going management and maintenance is difficult to use in the use Phase, according to the view of the life cycle. The rehabilitation and conservation during the use phase can beautify environment, improve functions, upgrade living quality, and prolong life cycle, which reach the same goal of the management and maintenance of the common part of the property. The Management Committee should be able to apply for Taipei City Regeneration Rehabilitation and Conservation Subsidy. However, out of 196 applications from 2006 to April, 2013, only 17 cases are approved, and only 10 cases are closed. It indicates the insufficiency of Taipei city subsidy policy and the lack of management plans of condominiums. This study discusses t he relationship between Rehabilitation and Conservation Subsidy and the management of condominiums from the perspective of document and recent situation. It also suggests that applicants should make plans on how to maintain common part of the property so a s to upgrade living quality and prolong the life cycle of a building.


